Apparently the ‘Grok has been adopted as the poster child for everything that drives the lefties at Dr. Joan Bushwell’s Chimpanzee Refuge blog completely bonkers. Using big fancy words in some apparent attempt at demonstrating their superior intelligence, interspread with salty language mostly heard in biker bars and drunken sailor enclaves, the "Chimps" cannot say enough how they despise us and our points of view– especially our religious beliefs and unabashed defense of traditional marriage. Additionally, they have little respect for our desire to enter the battlefield of ideas that is the Blogosphere [UPDATE– NOW THEY ARE APPARENTLY BLOCKING US FROM POSTING COMMENTS TO THEIR BLOG–SOMETHING WE WILL NEVER DO HERE AT THE ‘GROK!!]:
I get that there are untold numbers of sloppy-minded people stumbling around America wearing vacant expressions and living mindless lives, but I have yet to figure out why so many of them are drawn with such zeal toward endeavors such as political punditry that only highlight their ugliest, most brazenly ignorant facets.
In addition to our words in opposition to civil unions and gay marriage, now the "Monkeys" are upset about this post defending Ted Nugent. Man, talk about being uptight. These people at the Chimp refuge need to lighten up a little. Relax. Enjoy life– it’s God’s gift– make the most of it! (Oops, me bad! I forgot, the guys at the Chimp Refuge don’t like God– sorry!)
Here’s a YouTube of what we here at the ‘Grok do sometimes on the weekends to unwind. I’m sure that it won’t sit well with the liberal monkeys at the Chimp Refuge, but, oh well. Maybe if they took their sons out to do something like this, instead of to the gay pride rally… er, never mind…