Concord’s Priorities


Gunfire echoed through the mean streets of Manchester, NH last night, according to Scott Brooks of the New Hampshire Union Leader:

MANCHESTER – Residents in three city neighborhoods reported hearing bursts of gunfire in the middle of the night, police said yesterday.


Officers are investigating reported gunshots on five streets east of the Merrimack River, including three spots in the area around Gill Stadium. No injuries were reported, nor were police aware of any property damage, Sgt. Tom Gallagher said.


Police yesterday were trying to determine whether the shootings might have been related.


"It was pretty nerve-wracking. I was a little scared, obviously," said Sarah Gagnon, 25, who called police after hearing several gunshots just before 2 a.m. on

Beech Street.

Shell casings were found less than 100 yards from Gagnon’s home.

Thank goodness our distinguished leaders in Concord have their priorities in order.


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