Vaccination Archives - Page 4 of 5 - Granite Grok


Play the Clottery

Cartoon: Play the Clottery

The term “clottery” comes from this post; Why the DeathJabbed will insist to their dying breath that YOU must play the Clottery too: Anger, Hatred, Jealously & Fear, synthesized in one word: SPITE

Grey Revolver - Pexels-Pixaby Free to use (CC0)

Vaccination at the Point of a Gun 

The time has ended, according to our infinitely compassionate overlords, for using the carrot. It has been decided that “for the greater good,” a stick will be needed to make the insubordinate masses finally comply.

Vaccine covid 19 vials

Success! Biden Announces 106% of U.S. Population Has Been COVID-Vaccinated

This: So Imposter/Figurehead President Joe Biden tells us that 350 million Americans have been “vaccinated.”  That’s approximately 20 million more than the entire population of the United States. And, by the way, the extra 20 million cannot possibly be all the illegal aliens flooding across our Southern border … because, unlike actual Americans, Biden and …

Success! Biden Announces 106% of U.S. Population Has Been COVID-Vaccinated Read More »