Tyranny Archives - Page 13 of 22 - Granite Grok


California dump mask fineJPG

This Meme About California Reminds me of Nashua and Jan Schmidt

First, it speaks to the idiocy of the Progressive Government. Petty and vindictive, with the promotion of things and actions we used to assign stigma to informally protect traditional society from “infections” that twist it into the Left’s own image. In this, I thought of Steve’s post on Jan Schmidt and Nashua.

Liberty and Freedom

Liberty and Freedom

Liberty and freedom are rare in human history. Human instinct is not to yearn for liberty. Rather, humans yearn to be taken care of.

Govt job Rights My job health

Quick Thought: IF NH Governor Sununu is a Constitutionalist, why Doesn’t He Talk Like One?

Background: NH Gov. Chris Sununu: “Public Health Trumps Everything“. As many of us have noted: Constitution, even? Something has been bothering me since his 3pm Presser last Friday at which time he announced his “Stay at Home 2.0”.  At one point during the Presser, he was asked a question about Out of Staters coming into …

Quick Thought: IF NH Governor Sununu is a Constitutionalist, why Doesn’t He Talk Like One? Read More »

Gun barrel muzzle

Guns, Libs, and Truth Bombs

I’ve said this before but probably not recently. It relates to one of the primary reasons why Democrats hate private gun ownership. Or, at least my armchair psychology opinion on the matter. A theory based on years of observations.

USA Stressed Flag Cracks

What Will America Look Like After the flu d’état?

As we scrabble about in search of a path back to normal the critical question to my mind is what will normal be? Look around you. With very little information and a few projections that were outrageously wrong, a majority of Americans knelt before the State and complied with its demands.

American, National or Global Positions

What Do You Mean This Post Isn’t About the Chinese Flu?

It has become increasingly difficult to find subject matter outside the context of that thing we’re all experiencing as a planet. Yes, the Kardashians. No, the other thing. But I’ve been trying. Because all (that thing) and no play makes Blogger a dull boy.