Breaking: Parents Support Free Speech and Girls’ Sports in Bow, NH

Two dads were banned from sporting events and school property for wearing pink wristbands with two Xs drawn on each. They said they were showing support for girl’s sports. The District decided they were disruptive, removed them, and instituted no-trespassing orders. In response, scores of parents and interested parties showed up to today’s game in … Read more

Pink Arm Bands XX New Symbol to Support Women and Girls Sports

Due to the recent controversy in Bow, New Hampshire, where the Superintendent punished parents for wearing pink wristbands to their daughter’s soccer game, the word is getting out to BUY these wristbands and start wearing them to games. Whether playing soccer, basketball, volleyball, or swimming, everyone needs to wear these pink wristbands with the letters XX … Read more

Bow’s SAU67 KGB

In an effort to exercise his free speech, Anthony Foote, who resides in Bow, New Hampshire, decided to wear a pink wristband with XX written on it to his daughter’s soccer game. Der Führer – in charge of the Bow School District – decided that she would have none of that. Instead, “Superintendent of Schools … Read more

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