NHSBA Archives - Granite Grok


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A Conversation I Think That The Education Establishment Will Abhor

Most folks know what the NHSBA stands for – The NH School Board Association. Frankly, it is the epitome of the Education Establishment. They know best. They will do what they want, and while they’d like “involved parents,” They don’t brook too much dissent.

Gilford School District SAU73

“What Is The Transgender Status of My Legal Son?” Part 4

Don’t attempt to gaslight me by telling me I’m something when it was you folks that have been doing it for almost 3 years. I’ve had my “Gaslight shot” and I’m immune to it. More on that in a moment. However, to set the stage for that…

Gilford School District SAU73

“What Is The Transgender Status of My Legal Son?” Part 1

Keep this in mind as this was definitively told to me: The District does not lie to parents. Yep, I took that person at their word, sorta (backstory later).  But that is an official pronouncement.  Like “Hunter hasn’t done anything wrong.” –

parental rights

Who’s Against Parental Rights in New Hampshire?

Two important Bills will be heard in Concord this week supporting parental rights, so who can oppose that? You can bet there will be a line of people waiting to testify against parental rights. They will use the excuse that parents cannot be trusted with their own children.