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New Hampshire

Shea-Porter To Face Democrat Primary

The Concord Monitor is reporting that Portsmouth businesswoman Joanne Dowdell intends to challenge former Congresspersonista Carol SEIU-Porter for a shot at Frank Guinta in 2012.

Questons For The ‘Pro’ Income Tax Folks.

If you like income taxes so much, and they are so “fair,” why don’t you just move to a state that has them already? Are you put off by their lower quality of life, higher overall tax burden, larger populations of unemployed, higher poverty rates, higher crime rates, and invasive meddling bureaucracies of those other states?

GrokTalk! Saturday April 23rd, 2011

State Senator Jim Forsythe with talk about the New Hampshire Senate and his upcoming fundraiser with US Senator Rand Paul.
Corey Lewandowski– the New Hampshire Executive director of Americans for Prosperity, will get us up to date on RGGI, and the NH Presidential Summit coming up on January 29th.
And Nat Yellis, Deputy Political Policy Director for Heritage Action For America, will call in to help close out the program; we’ll talk about Heritage Action, and the hot topics of the week

School Voucher Kids Do Better

I Tweeted this earlier, but since I’m short on time, it is more than Post-Worthy. Apparently school vouchers result in a higher graduation rate at a lower cost to taxpayers–

Green Choice

…this is a tax that can increase without ever seeing a public hearing. No one will testify. No one you vote for will be held to account for the tax increase. You will just pay more.

An Inconvenient Life

According to reporting at the Washington Times, Out of the 340,276 pregnant clients 332,278 received an abortion. So when a pregnant women goes to planned parenthood for “family Planning” services, 97.6% of the time the plan ends with the death of an unborn child.

On Missing Chris Matthews

You should read the entire post by Greg Opelka here (Breitbart’s Big, because it is about the left wings tunnel vision on the racism narrative, but before you do that I wanted to share a snipped from that post that borders on brilliant. It is the kind of writing I aspire to (missing miserably and often) so when I find it I have to share it.