Fence Archives - Granite Grok


Not a wall vs a Wall

DHS Trolls Media On 100 Miles Of New Border Wall

In a perfect world you, whomever you are, can drive the news cycle. Donald Trump is better at it than anyone. That includes setting them up to drive the news cycle. You say something. The knee-jerk left says the opposite. You make them look like a fool.

Jim Acosta border wall

Left-Wing Activist Jim Acosta Visits Border Looking for a Crisis – Proves Walls Prevent Them

Demorrhoid political strategist Jim Acosta from the Current Narrative Network (CNN) went looking for trouble. And he found it. But it wasn’t the sort he was after. His mission was simple. Prove that there was no crisis at the Southern Border. If there are no issues then we don’t need more money for the border …

Left-Wing Activist Jim Acosta Visits Border Looking for a Crisis – Proves Walls Prevent Them Read More »