Debt Archives - Page 15 of 17 - Granite Grok


Why You Should Run Screaming From A Balanced Budget Amendment

I’ve never understood the Republican-conservative, Libertarian, Right-Wing-in General, love affair with the idea of a balanced budget amendment. And it is not just my fear of letting the same modern Americans who think doing away with the electoral college is a good idea have a whack at the US Constitution. It’s actually much simpler than that.

Is there a Glass Debt Ceiling?

Obama says he won’t sign anything if Harry Reid hasn’t urinated all over it, and we know Reid and the democrat Senate is running cover for Obama so he isn’t forced to lead. They call this compromise. I call it a sign. A sign that we need to fire Obama and Reid…

Americans Deserve Better

Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, ‘the buck stops here’. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

A Brief History of President Obama’s Fiscal Record

Despite new-found concern with the debt overhang stifling economic growth, President Obama’s record falls far short of his rhetoric. Let’s review the decisions made by President Obama and Congressional Democrats over the past couple of years, and the disappointing results of their policy choices:

Bar Stool Economics

Left wing tax policy and the class warfare rhetoric they use to advance it crumbles in the face of even the most simplistic analysis. Take the left wing war on the wealthy. They argue that the rich do not pay their fair share even though the rich pay most of the taxes. Here in New Hampshire the Mark Fernald wing of the democrat party apes this ridiculous technique on the matter of New Hampshire property taxes, a notion upon which the social justice mavens and the Granite State “Fair Tax” Coalition are meant to agitate. But neither claim holds water and this cross post from CNHT explains why.