Conservative Archives - Page 7 of 7 - Granite Grok


I’d Like To Thank New Hampshire’s Establishment Republicans

Speaking for myself, I’d like to say thank You. No, really. You have shown yourselves to be nothing more than the childish, backstabbing, power hungry hypocrites we all knew you were. You don’t care about the New Hampshire Republican party, you just care about who is running it and your place in the pecking order.

Honey Puterbaugh for State Rep

Honey is a solid small government candidate who will do her best to keep the state off your back and out of your face. She will support realistic revenue projections, budgets that address real world needs instead of ideological wants. And as a homeschooler, she supports real choice in education.

An Inconvenient Life

According to reporting at the Washington Times, Out of the 340,276 pregnant clients 332,278 received an abortion. So when a pregnant women goes to planned parenthood for “family Planning” services, 97.6% of the time the plan ends with the death of an unborn child.

About Mike Rogers

Mike is a British import of around 30 years, who was a conservative in the days of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Content for many years to work hard and pay taxes as a “Resident Alien” (some think he’s from another planet), he gradually came to the conclusion that generic low-level financial support for the …

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Not so fast….

I received an email yesterday from the Republican Party of New Hampshire.  I am registered Republican, and have subscribed to the NH GOP’s mailing list. The opening paragraph goes like this: "Our Republican leadership team did a great job in setting the table for the November Elections.  We recruited more candidates for state office than …

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