meadowstone farm sign decapitation

Meadowstone Farm Commits Massive Violation of New Hampshire State Election Law

Meadowstone Farm has since removed the pictures from Instagram, but before that happened, they were very proud of what they’d done. So, what did they do? They picked up Republican campaign signs from wherever they found them and cut them in half, then temporarily repurposed them – if for no other reason than to show everyone on … Read more

Why Don’t We Obsess Over “Inhabitant” – The Story Of NH Voter Fraud

Burning USS Raleigh on NH State FlagThe Governor of the State of New Hampshire, through the Executive Council, has sent a letter to the NH State Supreme Court in an attempt to clarify the definition of RESIDENT vs. DOMICILE when it comes to voting.

It is a shame we are still falling for the resident/domicile scam that NH uses to let non-citizens vote in our Federal Elections.

The word RESIDENT is not even in Article 11 of the NH State Constitution.

See if you can please help me find it:

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