SB 43 marked up

SB43 (Now Law) Makes Absolutely No Provision for an Actual Forensic Audit in Windham

As the town of Windham loses its collective mind over the Board of Selectmen’s choice of forensic auditor, SB43 (now law) makes absolutely no provision for an actual forensic audit.


Windham November Election Audit Legislation (SB43) Gets Full House Vote This Week

The New Hampshire House is back to work this week, and they have a lot of legislation to address. The Democrats are expected to delay delay delay and drag the session out into the wee hours – there’s a lot of stuff they lack the votes to stop, so parliamentary hijinks are the order of … Read more

Donald J. Trump

Trump Revokes Clearance of 51 Intelligence Officials Who Claimed Hunter’s Laptop was Disinformation

Donald Trump is the new President, with four years to get something done. He’s off to a good start, including one of my wish list items. President Trump revoked the security clearance of the 51 “intelligence officials” who said Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation. He needs to widen that net. These current and former officials … Read more

House session 5-23-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (5/23/24)?

Today, we learned that session days can be very long as we toiled over Senate bills from 9:00 a.m. until 7:10 p.m., with time, of course, for an hour-long lunch break. All in all, we slogged through 45 bills on the regular calendar and two more taken off consent.

NH State House - Free Images

Your State House 05/6/22: Senate Bills And the Session End is Nigh

This week, the House met for two days to vote on all Senate bills. Since this is the end of the session, a lot of political maneuvering took place, attempting to add House positions someone felt had not been properly treated by the Senate to bills we felt were important to them. Any bill that’s … Read more

State House

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (05/ 4-5 /22)?

We learned that Rep. Mike Yakubovich (R-Hooksett) has a son named Max that can really sing a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. We also learned that Rep. Gary Hopper (R-Weare) has been doing well with chemo treatments and was able to join us for Wednesday’s House session and was greeted by the House … Read more

TTartan Day in the State House

So Kids, What Did We Learn From Thursday’s House Session (04/21/22)?

We learned that today was Tartan Day at the NH House. This is a celebration of Scottish heritage in NH and gave our State Representatives a chance to “show our plaid.” Many reps wore some sort of plaid, including the NH plaid.


The Windham Incident Audit Is Complete and Has Been Delivered to NH “Officials” [Update – Report Released]

The now infamous Windham Audit has concluded. A long process searching for why a hand recount produced 300 more votes for four Republican candidates and about 100 fewer votes for a Democrat.


Live Stream Windham Audit Update – “Here are my Concerns”

I attended the live-stream meeting with Bob Giuda and Harri Hursti, the tech guru and self-proclaimed hacker responsible for the “forensic” audit of the voting machines used in Windham.


ACTION ALERT! The “Windham Incident” Update / Learn What YOU Can Do!

I believe the audit for the “Windham Incident” has lost all credibility because there is no way for observers to observe in a meaningful manner.  “Trust but verify” is difficult, and in many cases impossible.  While the AG’s office and auditors have responded to some concerns, they have repeatedly ignored most legitimate requests for transparency.


ACTION ALERT: NH Voter Integrity Group Seeks Boots on the Ground in Windham

Elitist Windham Selectman Heath Partington made a promise that he would make a motion to reconsider the selection of Mark Lindeman as the Town’s designee for the forensic audit of the town’s voting machines and ballots as defined by SB43.

Ballots Wheeler recount

Secure the Recount: Bill Gardner Has No Specific Statutory Authority to Keep the Windham Ballots

Windham Should immediately request the original ballots from Gardner who has them – with no specific statutory authority to KEEP them.

I voted stickers

Is He Coming To Audit Windham Just to Take Our Money?

Dear Steve: Thank you for asking me to write an op-ed last week for publication on the Granite Grok website, re: ongoing developments in the selection of analysts for the Windham forensic audit team.


The “Windham Incident” has become the “Windham Incidents” (Plural) – and a NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT!

The decisions that have been made by the Windham Selectmen over the past few months have been embroiled with partisan rhetoric. They need to focus on the best interests of our community – and make the right decisions for the right reasons. The biased and partisan maneuvers that are being instigated and then amplified primarily … Read more


A Motion of Reconsideration Regarding the Selection of Mark Lindeman

Windham, NH – In light of the Verified Voting letter that went viral yesterday, I believe it is appropriate for the Windham Board of Selectman to make a motion of reconsideration regarding the selection of Mark Lindeman as the town’s designee for the pending forensic audit of the town’s voting machines and cast ballots from … Read more


This Windham Incident Forensic Auditor Has Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest

I’m writing to inform you of previously undisclosed conflicts of interest and bias on the part of the auditors chosen by the Windham Board of Selectmen and to ask that the Senate reclaim its authority to choose auditors itself by, if necessary, amending SB43, or to recognize the authority of the residents of Windham to … Read more


Press Release: My Choice of Forensic Auditor For the Windham Incident is…

Windham, NH – Last November 3, 2020, the general election results for the Windham State Representative race wound up being significantly different from the hand recount. The vote count error has become known as the “Windham Incident” because the discrepancies between election day and the recount were the highest in the history of the state.


Send a Message to Windham Leaders: The Election Audit Process MUST be Transparent!

Thanks to your efforts, Senate Bill 43 has been signed into law.  Your phone calls, emails, and social media posts helped to ensure that SB43 got fast-tracked to the Governor’s desk. BUT… THIS FIGHT IS NOT OVER!


BREAKING NEWS! The “Windham Incident” Election Forensic Audit SIGNED INTO LAW!

HUGE NEWS! I just received word that Governor Chris Sununu signed Senate Bill SB43 into law.  It mandates a forensic audit of the ballots that were cast, and the voting machines that were used, by Windham, NH during the November 3, 2020 election. The Bill became law because Senator Bob Guida and NH activists demanded … Read more

Bedford Sportsplex

So Kids, What Did We Learn From Thursday’s NH House Session (04/08/21)?

We learned that it took us a full day from 9am to 7pm to get through 51 House bills recommended as Ought To Pass (OTP) by their respective committees. They were from Criminal Justice (5), Education (12), Election Law (10), Executive Departments and Administration (8), Health Human and Elderly Services (8), and Judiciary (8).