Manchester School DIstrict - MSD logo

Manchester School District Teams Up with Group That Says You are All White Supremacists

The Manchester school district, in conjunction with Manchester Proud and 2Revolutions, created “detailed central office staff action plans that helped lay out key next steps to realizing the vision and provided an aspirational, yet realistic, path forward.

Bedford NH Schools

Does Pedophilia Book Okay’d for Bedford Students Violate Obscenity Laws?

Many years ago, a Bedford teacher was caught pushing Marxism on the students in the Personal Finance Class. Instead of children learning how to balance a checkbook or understand simple and compound interest, they were force-fed Marxist ideology.

PIBS screen grab CRT

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Will Include Critical Race Theory

The Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is now using Critical Race Theory. Not only will CRT be coming through Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), it will be coming through the PBIS too.  This was a way of data-mining mental health , but now they will be data-mining your child’s attitudes, values and … Read more

james-kirk-beitler-cpd___30165406064 Concord Patch

So, who made YOU the Grand-PoohBa of “Responsible Digital Citizenship”, Superintendent Kirk Beitler?

Yes, he’s back from his leave.  And he’s taking a rip against “misinformation”, fear, and feelings. Right. He wants to be the Grand Arbiter of what is “responsible digital citizenship” yet he’s all in on Coerced Speech when it comes to enforcing that the rest of us must allow our speech to be coerced when … Read more

Dumpster fire

STOP the Masturbation Club in the Nashua Schools

I have no problem calling out teachers who think they can use the classroom to push their political narrative or do not have the skill set to educate children. But I also know that the vast majority of teachers do not fall in this category.

Town of Derry NH Seal

Is Derry Going to Implement Critical Race Theory in the Schools?

Is derry going to implement critical race theory in the schools? That’s a great question.  After the school board meeting (November 9th) parents are still left wondering.

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

How Schools Can Harm the Mental Health of Children Even with the Best Intentions

Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, and even suicide are some of the most serious mental health issues school-aged children may face. It’s a problem that parents, community members, legislators, and school officials have been trying to deal with for a long time.

AF Branco Parent Trap

Karoline Leavitt (Candidate for U.S. Congress) Stands Up for Parents

Karoline Leavitt, who is running for U.S. Congress in District 1 in New Hampshire, issued a statement today standing up for parents across New Hampshire.  If she were to win the Republican primary, she would face off with Congressman Chris Pappas.

Chris Sununu - crazy

I’m Calling on Governor Sununu to Defend New Hampshire Parents

Today I’m calling on Governor Chris Sununu to respond to the outrageous acts by the U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, as he tries to intimidate parents exercising their first amendment rights!  Even the Missouri Attorney General Slammed the DOJ’s School ‘Harassment’ Memo as An Attempt To ‘Muzzle And Intimidate Parents’ 

Superintendent David Ryan SAU16 2

Another LAWSUIT in SAU16/Exeter: What Are They INTENTIONALLY Hiding From Parents?

Another lawsuit was filed against SAU16/Exeter’s superintendent David Ryan. So far I’ve counted four lawsuits in the last few months. The first involved a teacher who removed a student from class when he wore a Thin Blue Line Flag during a day when students could wear flags that represented their views.

Merrimack School DIstrict web site screen grab altered

Merrimack Board Member and Parents Now Battling Each Other Over Mask Mandates

What has happened to parents? They are turning on each other over what is happening in THEIR local public schools.  Things seem to be intensifying after last year’s shut down of schools due to COVID-19.

Critical Race Theory Equity All People are Racist

CRT – Ok, Conservative Lawmakers: Make It Happen! – Stack of Stuff Part 19

A growing number of Parents are in the fight at Education Ground Zero. School boards, superintendents, and the teacher’s unions have made it personal and quite clear: Parents, you don’t matter. Like other tyrants across history have said, “we have your children.”

Club for Growth Logo - Screen Grab

Send Club for Growth BACK to Washington D.C.

Club For Growth will be hosting an event in Concord on Tue, August 31, 2021. My advice– SKIP IT. Tell them to go back to Washington D.C. and start advocating for the repeal of the Every Student Succeeds Act. (ESSA) That would actually be helpful to parents.  This is a 1061 page federal education law … Read more

BLM Fist Socialism

SAU16/Exeter Hires White Supremacist to Moderate Diversity Meeting

Last week’s meeting at Exeter High School to cover the dog and pony show about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice, included several members of Black Lives Matter who were in attendance. An alert went out by BLM Seacoast asking people from all over to attend.

SAU16 Exeter coop

DIE-J Snake Oil Tsunami Strikes Exeter’s School District: The Search for Cognitive Survivors On-going!

At the “Learning about DIE-J” [Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Justice] forum in Exeter last week, just after the audience was warned that the police were standing by for anyone shouting for sanity, the Tsunami’s propaganda wave suddenly struck.

Critical Race Theory Equity All People are Racist

CRT – Debate Points against CRT in Schools – Stack of Stuff Part 17

It’s been a while (back on July 12) since I tried to unpack my Stack of Tabs I collect as I’m surfing around to see what piques my interest (yeah, I’m a bit overboard on this “collection schtick” – probably about 500-600 tabs easy). So, time to restart!

chess queen king checkmate

It’s Time For NH’s Superintendents to RESIGN

To those Superintendents who are pushing Critical Race Theory in their school district (and you know who you are), it’s time for you to resign and give your job to a POC (Person of Color).

SAU16 Exeter coop

Looking for accountability in SAU16

Kimberly Meyer, School Board Member in SAU16 went on a rant at a recent school board meeting, the only problem was, she ranted against the wrong people. In this video Meyer went on a long rant about the parents in her district, including one who is serving on the school board with her, Melissa Litchfield. … Read more

SAU15 Hooksett

Are Hooksett Students Educated or Indoctrinated? It’s Time to Educate!

Last school year was extremely difficult for students enrolled in public schools. It didn’t have to be that way because private schools managed quite well during the pandemic. Many private schools and some public schools opened with a manageable plan in place.

Speech narratives education propaganda indoctrination

Leave It to a Teacher to Expose What Is Going on in the Schools

As a parental rights advocate in New Hampshire, I hear from parents around the state concerned about the state of public education. I also have teachers who contact me, exposing some of what is happening in their local school.