NH Schools Developing Psychological Profiles on Your Children (SAU16, SAU21 and others)

School administrators are going ahead with SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) surveys on your children. This allows Ed Tech vendors to collect sensitive mental health data on students, in order to build a psychological profile on them.

SAU 21 logo plus school hamton north hampton seabrook winnacunnet

Complaint Against SAU21 Filed with the New Hampshire Dept. of Education: Breaking the Law and Political Bias

What is going on in SAU21? From teacher training presented by a leftist political organization to canceling religious Christmas Carols and now political indoctrination in the classroom, parents wonder why academic excellence is no longer the focus.

Nicholas James Vujicic

Sunday Spotlight: No Limbs, No Problem

Each Sunday, I take a step away from daily politics and focus on someone who has done extraordinary things or who we may need to know a little better. This week’s focus is on a man who has inspired me for years. This week’s light shines on Nicholas James Vujicic.

SEL is Crap

Teachers Need Parents to Speak UP: What Teachers are Afraid to Say Out Loud

Teachers in SAU21 will be forced to sit through a political training session in September. Seacoast Outright will be conducting the training, which everyone is being told, is not being done by a political organization. It’s almost comical at this point that anyone believes that Seacoast Outright is not a political organization.

Karen Testerman

My Pick for Governor of New Hampshire

All the republican candidates running this year for governor are great candidates (exception, Sununu, who does not want to answer questions or be seen with us common people), but we can only choose one.

Governor Groomer Chris Sununu

Groomers Part 2: Power Structures

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”  -Voltaire In part 1 of this series, we looked at the common method groomers use to ensnare their victims from identifying and personalizing to love bombing and ultimately enslaving. We discussed the main organizations and individuals who use them … Read more

Children rain boots

Groomers Part 2: Power Structures

In part 1 of this series, we looked at the common method groomers use to ensnare their victims, from identifying and personalizing to love bombing and ultimately enslaving.


Knowledgeworks: Another Dumbed Down Framework for our Public Schools

KnowledgeWorks provides states with a framework for personalized learning. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Until you peel back the layers.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and I will back-edit to include the link.  And please see Friday’s Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Also check out yesterday’s Survival Sunday.

mRna vaccine poison - original image pixaby

Toxicity Challenge: Can You Identify the Toxic Things in Your Child’s Life?

All parents try to do the best they can. It’s hard to keep up with what’s cool, what’s not, what’s harmful, and what’s good. Unfortunately, most harmful things don’t come packaged with skull-and-crossbones warning labels nowadays, so it’s important as parents to be diligent about not only what goes in or on your child’s body, … Read more

Superintendent David Ryan SAU16 2

David Ryan’s Departure from SAU16/Exeter: Tips on Hiring a New Superintendent

Good Superintendents are hard to find, and yet, they are the leaders of our schools. We can learn a lot from the problems that plagued SAU16/Exeter school district under the leadership of David Ryan- so let’s start by looking at what parents can do when it’s time to hire a new Superintendent.

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Top 5 Strategies for Motivating Students

The pandemic situation, remote learning, and the excessive use of technology have shown that keeping students focused and motivated is essential. Educators and psychologists have faced the problem of emotional belonging as the participation of students in the learning process has decreased.

Warning staff is armed

NH’s School Safety Task Force Came Up With 59 Recommendations Just Not the One That Works

After Parkland, New Hampshire created a School Safety Taskforce. Its job was to meet, discuss, and make recommendations on improving safety or reducing the chance of an active shooter event. They came up with 59 suggestions but left out the one they needed.

Critical Race Theory Equity All People are Racist

Barrington RI City Destroys School System Academic Rigor Because EQUITY and More! – Stack of Stuff Part 25

Once again, Black Lives Matter’s rears it’s ugly head in Educational Matters, now just being euphemistically called “Equity”.  Different name, same thing – not equal opportunity but equal outcomes. And how to best achieve that “lofty” (/sarc) goal? Rhode Island parents enraged at school board for removing honors classes in ‘equity obsession’ Barrington, Rhode Island, public … Read more

Critical Race Theory Equity All People are Racist

School Board Doesn’t Like Parent Reading Porn at SB Meeting – Stack of Stuff Part 23

Yep, it comes home to roost. The lessons that Parents learned from watching their kids’ remote lessons are not going to get forgotten soon.

A Few Rules for Engaging “People” on the Topic of Firearms and the Second Amendment

Last week I had the privilege of speaking at the Women’s Defense League’s 2A Rally in Concord.  It was a bit breezy, but you can hear me over the bustle of the 2A community, many of who were actually paying attention.

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Grooming: Is It Time to Bring Some Form of Racketeering or Conspiracy Charges against Public Schools?

In the wake of the left’s Don’t Say Gay Campaign, numerous incidents have been made public proving it is the Educators and their leftist enablers who “don’t say gay.” Don’t tell your parents we’re transitioning you.”

ABC school books apple

Questions to Ask a Potential School Board Member

Save this page!!  Recently Mary Ellen Siegler from Massachusetts Informed Parents posted this list of questions for parents to use when considering school board candidates up for election. It may be late for 2022’s election, but it can certainly be used in the future:

MVSD Logo Merrimack Valley School District

Merrimack Valley School District – “We Need to Do Better for Our Children”

These three petitions were submitted to be added to the Merrimack Valley School District Warrant. The meeting is to be held on March 4th, Penacook High School, and starts at 7 pm.

parents protest mask mandate

School Board Elections Coming: Parents Demand Academic Excellence

As a parental rights advocate focused on literacy and excellence in our public schools for two decades, I’ve watched the decline in public education. But I’ve also advocated for initiatives that would reverse this trend.