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ED306 Education Rules Revision is a BIG Disappointment for Students in New Hampshire

The Education Rules for New Hampshire Schools is up for revision. Unfortunately, this task was handed over to Fred Bramante, President of the National Center for Competency-Based Learning. 

SAU 21 logo plus school hamton north hampton seabrook winnacunnet

SAU21: Portrait of a Learner’s Lack of Focus on Academic Excellence

In SAU21, we spend $30,000.00/student. We should expect better for the students who attend public schools in NH.

Slippery Slope of Transgenderism Hot Air FI

Suing over Pronouns, Homework is Racist, Armed Guards in All TN Schools, and More! – Stack of Stuff #47

It never ends, does it? The Left never stops, never gives up. We who simply just want to be left alone and want Government to do what we pay it to do and nothing more and nothing less have to learn that lesson. “You WILL be made to care” (Erick Erickson) you can add “If … Read more

Scales of justice gavel law court

Speaking of “Misgendering”: Suing Over Policy That Punishes Students

Don’t you just love it when the Left makes up new words for things that really don’t exist just so that they can both shame and then punish us all when we don’t know what it is? And then, once you do know what it means, you get bashed for fighting back over what is … Read more

Slippery Slope of Transgenderism Hot Air FI

Transgender Club is an Art Class, Childism, Free Sex Change Kits to Kids, School Erases Mother’s Day – Stack of Stuff #45

It never seems to stop and because it never stops, it gets worse and worse. I’ll remind you, this whole “Fundamental Transformation” (yes, an Obama reference) that is turning the relationship of Parents and Children upside down over the broadening of the meaning of sexualizing children and destroying families.  “Childism” is the cause and I … Read more

Kid cant be an indian but an adult man can be a woman Powerline

Transgender “Transitions” Solve Nothing, YouTube Still Censoring, And a Teacher Stands up for Biology – Stack of Stuff #44

Fast and furious, it continues. More stories/snippets of what’s ailing our education system and the children placed within it.  First up, a realization that the social contagion that is affecting our young ones with the activists message of “a live trans boy or a dead daughter” isn’t holding as much water as they would have … Read more

parental rights

Dillon’s School

Browsing though SB 272, the so-called Parents’ Bill of Rights, I came across this little gem: The right to exempt a public-school student from participating in required statewide assessments in English, language arts, mathematics, and/or science, as set forth in RSA 193-C:6. Sorry, but no.  First, note that RSA 193-H:2 requires that schools shall ensure … Read more

SEL is Crap

Parents in NH Now Opting Out of SEL in Their Schools (Data Mining their Children’s Mental Health)

Now that we know that some New Hampshire schools are sharing mental health data on students with outside organizations like Keene State BHII, parents are beginning to remove their children from SEL. (Social and Emotional Learning) SEL is in Tier 1 of the Multi-Tiered System of Support.

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Mental Health Data on Children is Leaving Schools Without Parental Knowledge or Consent

After a hearing to re-fund the Multi-Tiered System of Support so that schools in New Hampshire can continue assessing, and treating the mental health of students, I sent this email to Lisa White, Director of Instruction for  the NH Department of Education.

how was school - rainbow vomit

By 2025 Teachers Must Swear Loyalty Oath to Progressive gods, Preach SEL, CRT, and Childhood Mutilation.

While several states have outlawed teaching divisive concepts like, you are a racist becasue you are white, and there’s nothing you can do about it, Minnesota is taking it the other way. Educators in any school (public, charter, or private) in Minnesota will be expected to preach cultural Marxism.

dear trans community

CDC Pushing the Transgender Religion to Schools and MORE! – Stack of Stuff #36

It never seems to end – the Cultural Marxism at play in sexualizing our children (along with other social issues).  ALL of it can be traced back to Class Struggle/Warfare – putting one class of people against another. Classic Marxism was based on economics but it failed here in America because, well, the middle class … Read more

Parents defending education

Classrooms in Crisis Because of Restorative Justice?

Classrooms are out of control in some of our schools in New Hampshire. So what happened? Why are so many parents in school districts like Keene (SAU29) talking about the lack of discipline in the schools? Some of these parents are asking why the restrooms are locked? Why can’t students use the restroom in their … Read more

man woman marriage bride groom heart

Why Any Federal Law Defining “Marriage” Is Unconstitutional

While Republicans and Democrats are having a tug of war in defining “marriage,” they have involved the government in a sacred religious ceremony, stepping into unconstitutional territory. What an incredible difference the 2022 midterm election made for the Republican Party—the one political organization many conservatives rely upon, and hope the party will uphold traditional Christian … Read more

dear trans community

“The Transgender Movement Isn’t Just Targeting Kids, It’s Targeting Families” and More! – Stack of Stuff #33

While most of the attention is put on the kids in schools, hospitals are getting in on the game (big money in those surgeries and after care!). We’ll redefine our Hippocratic Oath so that NOT mutilating our kids and pumping them up with drugs used to chemically castrate pedophiles is “shall do no harm”. Redefine … Read more

SEL is Crap

More SEL Group Therapy in Schools: Training Kids to Keep Information Secret

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is now a way for group therapy sessions to be held inside your child’s classroom. We already know that this is happening in Greenland, but what does this look like?

outreached hand help kindness Photo by Robin Kutesa on Unsplash

23 Schools in NH Flagged ‘in Need’ of Extra Support

The Union Leader recently reported on the schools in New Hampshire that are “in need” of extra support.

how was school

Dumbing Down NH Schools: Why It’s Happening

I was not surprised by this bad news.  As NHPR reported: “Test scores released this week by the U.S. Department of Education show New Hampshire students’ reading and math test scores on the decline, continuing a trend seen over the last nine years.”

SAU 50 screen grab Greenland NH

SEL/ Psychology in the Classroom: Public School’s Denial and a Violation of Federal Law?

SAU 50/Greenland is using Kimochis therapy in the classroom. However, the Superintendent is in denial that this SEL program is not providing group mental health therapy in the classroom. This kind of denial is not the first I’ve encountered by administrators in New Hampshire.

Greenland Counselor Misleading Parents on SEL/Psychological Profiling ?

It is amazing how school officials are SELLING parents on submitting their children to psychological practices and evaluations in school. Do they receive training on how to sell snake oil?

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SEL Psychological Profiles on the Children of Teachers Working in Public Schools

I was reminded a few days ago by a New Hampshire teacher that the psychological profiles that are being formulated are not just on children of parents who have children in the public schools but also on children of teachers who have their kids enrolled too.