Boots Jackboots

What a State Take-Over of Private and Religious Schools Will Look Like

I’ve been warning that the Education Freedom Account (EFA) program could eventually lead to a complete government take over of private and religious education in New Hampshire. HB1610 showed us that Democrats were even willing to go a step further and attempt to take over home-school education, too.

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Deteriorating … Mental Health, Privacy, and Parental Consent in Public Schools

As schools begin the shift to providing mental health services, parents need to be aware of some big problems that have been uncovered. Personally identifiable mental health information on students has already been shared, but schools are still failing to acquire informed parental consent for their child’s mental health assessments and services.

School Funding and Mental Health – Another Example of Government Trying to Grow to Fix A Problem it Created

It is a classic tale of progressive woe; years of lousy policy create a problem that those responsible insist needs more funding … for them to fix it. The correct course of action is to fire all of them, take back your money and power, and do something different, but it is a hill they … Read more

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well … Read more

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Public Schools are Purposely Causing Trauma For Students

Looking at some of the decisions and practices in public schools, I’m not surprised by the mental health challenges some students are now experiencing. There have been calls for action because of the mental health problems many of our post-COVID students face.

NH’s Most Dangerous Bill This Year Comes from Republicans in the Senate

The CDC’s new model for public schools will be called community schools. In this model, public schools will offer mental health and medical services to students. This has already begun with the infusion of the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), which is SEL-Social and Emotional Learning.

CDC Logo

SAU4 Parents Say NO to the CDC Take-Over of their School

Parents in SAU4 serving the communities of Alexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol, Danbury, Groton, Hebron, Hill, and New Hampton, spoke passionately against the CDC wellness policy proposed for their school district at a recent school board meeting.

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Parents in Every School District Are Losing Parental Consent Over Their Children

Parents in every School district are losing parental consent over their children. School Boards are revising changes to the EHAB and JLCF policies, which deal with DATA GOVERNANCE SECURITY and WELLNESS, respectively.

The True Cause of Failed Education in New Hampshire

First, let me say that I am writing this for all the right reasons and, likely, at considerable expense to myself. What I am about to tell you will not be received well by those with more power than me. I am not taking the typical political move of cowardly leaks and anonymity – I … Read more

Indoctrination cartoon

Want School Systems That Work?

If you want school systems that work, start by getting rid of teachers’ unions. They are a Special Interest racket to enrich adults and do not better the educational system for the benefit of kids. Doubt me?


We Did Not Swap One for Another – We Have Fought for Our Freedom!

There was a discussion about an outside agency coming in to “train” students of all grades in “Social and Emotional Learning” at a particular NH-based School District. What concerned folks was its progressive word-salad mission statement (shared below).

Are New Hampshire Public Schools Racist? The Answer Might Surprise You

Back in 2010, Diane Ravitch, an Education Historian, wrote an article exposing the 21st-Century-Skills movement in public education. In her article, A Century of Skills Movement, she explains where this need to redesign public education from a liberal arts model to a workforce training model originated.

Sexualizing Students In Our Schools Hurts SPED Children the Most

As a parental rights advocate in New Hampshire, I talk to parents frequently about the challenges their children face in our public schools. I offer them advice on how to navigate some of those challenges, like opting out of objectionable materials assigned to their children.

Keene Now Selling Parents Portrait of a Graduate: Here Is What They Will Not Tell You

Do you get the feeling that school administrators do not want you challenging them on the garbage they are allowing in your district now? From Pornography for kids to gender theory to CRT to assignments that are more about identity and self-examination than actually learning any quality academic content.  The Keene school district is no … Read more

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Medicaid Reimbursement to Schools and the Removal of Parental Consent

More attempts to remove parental consent need to be given serious thought! This is an email sent to the Superintendent in SAU21 and the School Board Members.

The Left’s Latest Proposals Are Laying The Ground For Legalized Child Abuse

Recently, a Canadian professor, Katja Thieme, proclaimed, “Let. Little. Children. See. Penises. And. Vulvas. Of. Various. Ages. And. Sizes. In. A. Casual. Normalized. Totally. Safe. Way.” Professor Thieme proposes a simplistic form of exposure therapy to teach children about sexual themes, which is at best misguided and, at its worst, laying the foundation for children to … Read more

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SDGANH Conversation, Continued …

This is a continuation of Skip’s post, addressing Kevin Verville’s original email comments on my post and other comments made by people (whose identities will be kept private) who joined in on that thread.  Thanks to everyone who did!

Old typewriter - letter

The Ultimate Opt Out Form-Letter for Parents with Children in Public School

Recently I came upon an Opt Out Form Letter for parents to take to their school administrators and teachers to notify them of what they will be opting their child out of when they attend their local public school. It’s a good letter, but I wanted to tweak it a bit for New Hampshire Parents.

school room classroom Photo by Jeffrey Hamilton on Unsplash

This Extra Challenge to Public Schools Could Result in a Decline in Academic Outcomes

Dear Representatives: After reviewing the House Education Committee discussion on student mental health during a work session on June 28, 2023, I wanted to add some commentary.

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Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!