Dennis Senibaldi- silly, dumb, and a blusterer (thus far)

To follow up on my Streisand Effect post it is now time to provide some details.  Mid-day, I get this call from a Dennis Senibaldi DEMANDING that I take down some posts.  Not posts that I had written but posts that Kimberly Morin had published both here and at; covering the Windham School Board … Read more

Democrat appointed Speaker Shawn Jasper ‘s email – SPAMMING?

Too funny.  Upon receiving an email from Democrat appointed Shawn Jasper, Thunderbird (an email program from Mozilla) didn’t much care for it: TOO FUNNY!  Nice to know that even he shows that the Republican majority is getting under his skin with their recalcitrance to his “I AM SPEAKER” schtick and that it is really annoying … Read more

David Scannell Manchester School Board

Manchester Ward 2 School Board Member David Scannell Broke the Law – is a Double Standard Developing?

The “I didn’t know” defense? “There isn’t a member of this board that does not know that when a legal action is threatened against the board it is a confidential matter,” said Girard. “And the leaking of that letter divulged the very information I was accused of divulging.” A motion to have school district attorneys investigate … Read more

Mayor Joyce Craig

Who Violated the Law in Manchester, Mayor Craig, and Leaked a Confidential Letter to the Press?

Local New Hampshire media recently reported on a letter from a lawyer representing a student to Manchester School Board member Rich Girard. That confidential document was leaked to the press in violation of New Hampshire Right to Know law. The list of people who had access is short enough that Mayor Joyce Craig should be able … Read more

519 “Well Sourced” Examples of Barrack Obama’s Lying, Corruption, Law-Breaking, and Cronyism

Someone, bless their heart, has compiled a well-sourced (their words) list of 519 examples of Barack Obama’s lying, corruption, law-breaking and cronyism. I am posting it as is with the understanding that it may take me days or even weeks to go through it, if I ever do manage to get through it. I encourage … Read more