Gilford School District SAU73

It’s Time for The Gilford School Board to Cough Up The Critical Race Theory Materials

Yes, I’ve been found out (to a point); From Commenter NHNative: I’m seeing the beginnings of the “How to Do” section at GG.

Laconia School Board motioning to go into non-meeting

Watch As I Hand This School Board My CRT Materials Right to Know Request and Admonish Them for Ignoring the Law

They think that the rest of us should have no say in it at all – and really do believe that our kids belong to THEM and not to US. For decades, they have been undermining Parents’ morality and norms.

Manchester School District

Rich Girard’s vs. Victoria Sullivan’s Education Plans for Manchester Public Schools

It’s encouraging that parents and voters are finally speaking out against the radical agenda being imposed upon students in our public schools. Sadly, many school board members and administrators refuse to listen to parent’s concerns. They need to be voted out.

Who is Opposed to Educational Opportunities

Children have one opportunity at an education that fits their needs. Education is not one-size-fits-all; even good public schools cannot meet the unique needs of every child. This is why we are passionate about supporting children and families to access that “right fit” educational option, whether it is local public schools, chartered public schools, private … Read more


Nashua School Board is Asking for 3 Million More a Year for Latest Bad Idea in Education

If you thought public education was expensive and increasingly useless, Nashua is prepared to double down on that. At tonight’s School Board meeting, they will “discuss” adding 3 million a year to the budget for Social Emotional Learning.

Nashua Board of Education Letterhead

Formal Rebuttal to Heather Raymond, Dr. Jahmal Mosely, and Unknown Co-Conspirators on the Nashua BOE

News Release: Immediate

Doris Hohensee

Doris Hohensee: A Rebuttal to Your Request That I Resign

by Doris Hohensee Board President Heather Raymond conducted an illegal meeting asking for my resignation from the Nashua Board of Education. She admits that she spoke privately with the majority of members on the Board to obtain their vote, violating the Right to Know law. Raymond proceeded to abuse her authority by sending out an … Read more

If this is happening in Merrimack schools without Parental Notification, it’s probably happening in your’s.

“New Hampshire schools have redirected the purpose of school, and the primary focus is not on academics.” Marge Chiafery, Superintendent of Schools; I appreciate your response that you have provided and appreciate the open dialogue about data collection and social, emotional, and behavioral programming (SEL) in the state of New Hampshire. After reading the regulations … Read more

Revisiting Hashem’s Wisdom

I’ve been wanting to revisit & expand on my three essays about our current ignoring of Hashem’s wisdom.  Here, for a refresher at your convenience: Ignoring Hashem’s Wisdom – Part 1 Ignoring Hashem’s Wisdom – Part 2 Ignoring Hashem’s Wisdom – Part 3 In the above I discuss things including abstinence before marriage, fidelity, porn … Read more

It’s Never Too Late For New Beginnings – How Older Women Can Find Strength and Support in Overcoming Addiction

Challenges such as addiction don’t discriminate by age in the vibrant journey of life. For older women, the path to recovery is not just about overcoming a habit but a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. Read on to learn the transformative steps that older women can take to embrace recovery with grace and resilience, … Read more

mental health anxiety pshchitzophrenia

Banfield: Teaching Violence Begins In Public Schools

Everyone keeps looking around wondering how someone can resort to violence in this political culture. Look no further than your local public schools. You may wonder how that can be since schools are focusing on nurturing a child’s social and emotional well being. You’d be lying to yourself. Public schools are breeding activism, and if … Read more

Exec. Council Urged to Reject Funding for Unethical Mental Health Treatment in Our Schools

You are URGED to contact the Executive Councilors and urge them to vote AGAINST #52–funding for MTSS-B.

US Dept of Educations Logo

The CDC’s Community School Model Under Scrutiny in Seabrook NH

The Federal Government is going through UNH to distribute money for Community Schools in New Hampshire. That money has been distributed to Manchester, Seabrook, Ringe, and Concord. Parents and taxpayers in those communities better pay close attention to what is happening in your school district.

Radical Community Organizers on College Campuses Who Created Them? Connecting Some of the Dots

College students, and trained Marxists, do not just wake up one day illiterate and acting like cult members– they have to be trained. The dumbing down of public education certainly helps sway students to support a political movement like Marxism, especially if they are illiterate in history, and economic systems.

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Turning Schools into Medical and Mental Health Clinics

Now that a couple of New Hampshire Schools have begun the process of transitioning their district into the CDC’s (Center of Disease Control) Community School Model, parents need to understand what can happen.

Alert Exclamation point

Action Alert: Ask Your State Senator to Oppose SB459 Today!

Families and kids need your help in stopping this bad bill, and your opposition to it must be made known by Wednesday night, 04/03/2024, at the latest.

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Merrimack Should Reject School Budgets Until They Can Teach Kids to Read …

Usually, when you hire someone to do something, and they don’t or can’t do it, you do not then give them more responsibility or reward them with additional revenue. But let’s say you do, and they fail again and again. At what point do you stop rewarding failure?

Merrimack School DIstrict web site screen grab altered

SEL is Draining Tax Dollars from the Merrimack School Budget

Social and Emotional Learning is the latest fad in public education. SEL is considered Tier 1 in a three-tiered mental health framework for students attending public schools. Money for this initiative came through a federal grant several years ago, but as those funds dried up guess who is left to fund these initiatives? The local … Read more

Flushing Your Money Down the Toilet on Professional Development for Teachers

As an education researcher, I’ve been hearing about wasteful spending on teacher professional development for decades. Teachers do value quality professional development, but some will privately tell you that it can be a waste of their time, and taxpayer dollars.

NH Civics is at it Again…Now They Want to Promote Group Therapy for Children in Public Schools

With the desperate call to improve Civics Education for students in New Hampshire, you would think one of the most prominent Civics organizations would be at the forefront of making sure our students are literate in this important subject.