Speaking of Potential Vote-by-Mail Fraud: It’s The CA District 25 Edition

OK, their election was last week, so I’m a tad late. But, given that I have this OTHER vote-by-mail post on the “abstract” of the issue, here’s an example “in concrete”. And no, no whining that just because it happened in CA doesn’t mean it can’t happen here (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Vote by mail

So why are NH Democrats losing their minds to get vote-by-mail into place? Part 1

Emphasis mine: Heed Jimmy Carter on the Danger of Mail-In Voting: ‘Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.’ “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.” That quote isn’t from President Trump, who criticized mail-in voting this week after Wisconsin Democrats tried and failed to change an election at the … Read more

NH Vote-By-Mail Democrats would rather you forget about Wisconsin

All we are going to hear from the NH Democrat Party is yammering about how DARE we, not all do mail-in voting (er, don’t pay attention to that “ballot harvesting” technique behind the smoke and curtain). And how DARE you put people at risk for simply wanting to exercise their Constitutional Right to vote! 

Absentee ballots (and vote by mail) are the tools of choice for election fraudsters

There is a huge hew and cry going up from the Left. It is critical of President Trump. This time the concern he raises is about elections conducted by mail. Thank you to Hans Spakovsky and the Heritage Foundation for their work.

A Vote By Mail Reality Sandwich for Actual New Hampshire Residents

If you are a New Hampshire citizen who does NOT like non-New Hampshire-citizens voting in our General Elections through the use of “Same -Day Voter Registration” fraud, then you will HATE vote by mail. I promise.

The Irony of Kat-Rod’s Vote-by-Mail-Fraud Bill for New Hampshire

New Hampshire Democrats want you to vote absentee, which is to say, vote by mail. But only to New Hampshire. If you were allowed to vote by mail anywhere else, college kids and wandering Massachusetts Dems would vote where “they live,” and NH Dems would lose elections.

Peterborough NH

“What is the NH League of Women Voters Afraid of in Peterborough?” So, we emailed folks – Part 2

So the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript emailed with us (and flamed out in a Twitter flame war).  The next step was to turn in the other direction and email the League of Women Voters’ Peterborough organizer: On May 3, 2019, at 11:52 AM, Skip <Skip@granitegrok.com> wrote: Dear Ms Coon, I am in receipt of your email missive … Read more

Peterborough NH

“What is the NH League of Women Voters Afraid of in Peterborough?”So, we emailed folks

This whole thing just didn’t sit right with us: who was to be reporting, who could take pictures/record the event, limited time to get one’s message out, and a tight-fisted policy of who “owns” the asked questions (and assuming, the unasked ones as well).  Transparency much?  Certainly, it didn’t seem so when we were tipped … Read more

Horn Bails on Email Delegate Vote…

WMUR is reporting that NHGOP Chairwoman Jennifer Horn has decided, “that in the interest of party unity and “full transparency,” the New Hampshire delegation will meet on Friday at state party headquarters to vote for delegation chairman and important posts on the convention Rules, Platform, Credentials and Permanent Organization committees.” The Email vote was already … Read more

Democrat accused of sending ‘hoax email’ charged with voter suppression

Today the Democrat accused of sending the email hoax a few days before the special Rockingham District 32 election has been arrested for voter suppression. If you recall, Carl Gibson was doing social media for Maureen Mann’s campaign. A few days before the election an email was sent to specific press that claimed to be … Read more

Email Doodlings – Would Ron Paul supporters vote for other candidates, or go 3rd Party (Part 1)

There’s one email thread I’m on that is very active right now and at times, I feel like I’m General Custer surrounded by the Indians from a politics standpoint – and all the arrows are pointing at me.  Especially when even the appearance of not “believing” is the signal for raised eyebrows.  The question: If … Read more

Sean Penn - Jeff Spicoli

Whose Voters Are Stupid?

If you pay more attention to the approved narratives than a caffeinated kid with ADD, you can create a paint-by-numbers picture in your mind. Republican voters are idiots. But if that’s true, then the recent decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has to be a good thing. It ruled that improperly dated mail-in ballots won’t … Read more

NH Citizens are Challenging Mail-In Ballots Across the State

I have been notified by activists on the ground in the Granite State that NH voters are challenging the counting of any absentee ballots (mail-in ballots) in the primary for “failure to properly execute an affidavit.”  This is happening all over the state. The return envelope containing the absentee ballot has not been verified by affidavit as required by … Read more

Marijuana plant original Photo by 2H Media on Unsplash

Make Stopping Marijuana a Part of Your Vote

THE PRIMARY is coming September 10th and with it more social media ads, more postcards in our mailboxes and more confusion. Have you ever stopped to wonder where the money for all of this advertising comes from? Why are these groups so concerned about local elections and spending so much on them? Big marijuana is … Read more

Lily Tang Williams

Vote for Lily Tang Williams on Tuesday, September 10th.

Just like Congressional candidate Lily Tang Williams, I also fear that the country that I love — the United States — is becoming too much like the country that she left — China. As a state representative finishing up my first term, I originally ran two years ago due to this fear. It has become … Read more

The Most Dishonest Campaign Mailer Ever

I just received the most dishonest campaign mailer ever. The PAC that did the mailer referenced three totally bogus bills to attack the opposition candidate. If they were honest, they surely could have found three real bills to attack that guy. The mailer blames their target for a bill from 2000 – when he wasn’t … Read more

Vote, ballot, ballot box

Voter Registration Database Upgrade Hackable; Linked to Russian Servers

New Hampshire has had its share of voting irregularities, both investigated (poorly, but still) and those not. But none of the local efforts to move to paper ballots, even in towns where it wouldn’t even begin to be a hardship (which is all but a few), have succeeded. People either don’t care to show up … Read more

Who Voted to Make Vermont So Freakin’ Unaffordable?

The Vermont primaries are over, and the official general election campaign season of 2024 has begun! With property taxes increasing by unprecedented amounts, energy costs rising with a new, potentially massive tax on home heating fuels up for a vote in January 2025, another double-digit premium increase for health insurance just announced, a new payroll … Read more

Vote, ballot, ballot box

Vote Integrity’s Nitty-Gritty: The Battle Lines of ’24’s Epic Struggle

By Ben Weingarten – Real Clear Wire More than a dozen jurisdictions run by Democrats – including Washington D.C., and several adjacent Maryland municipalities – allow noncitizens to vote in some local elections. San Francisco not only permits noncitizens to vote but appointed one to serve on its Elections Commission. Such developments, against a backdrop of millions of … Read more

Trump fist pump

“I can’t believe you would vote for Trump…   I simply reply, I’m not voting for Trump.”

However… You? We want to thank  Matt for this Contribution. Submit yours to steve@granitegrok.com