Laconia School District

Hey, Stupnagel Laconia School Board Chair Aaron Hayward – IT’S NOW A PUBLIC DOCUMENT!!!

So this nitwit Bully of a School Board member thinks that he can get away with threatening another sitting School Board member – with NO PROOF at all?

Mask wall art

Busted in Brentwood – School Board Mask Hypocrite “Un-Masked!”

Since I’ve been “involved” with the town of Brentwood in the past, – see Liz McConnell, the former Democrat NH State Rep, and anti-speech bigot – I thought this little scandal was worth sharing.

Spencer Elden - Nirvana Nevermind Album Art

Nude Baby on Nirvana Nevermind Album Grows up and Sues Band for Sexploitation

Nirvana’s Nevermind has a naked baby in a pool chasing the all-powerful dollar, and now the adult that was this child is fulfilling the prophecy.

The Streisand Effect

The Saga of RTK Coordinator Jesse Neuman Continues – A Formal Harassment Grievance Has Been Filed Against Him

Nashua RTK Coordinator Jesse Neuman took umbrage that both Laurie Ortolano and Laura Colquhoun had discussed their interactions with him on GraniteGrok and that each of their posts (here and here) were festooned with his image (which, at the time, was publicly available on LinkedIn).

Jesse Neuman Nashua RTK coordinator

Part 3: My Response to Nashua’s “RTK Fixer” Jesse Neumann’s Demand to Remove His Image

So, in Part 1, Jesse Neumann (Esq., Dontcha know! Yet another lawyer..meh) send us an email demanding that we “remove my pictures from your website.” Quite often, those who place themselves into these positions – being embarrassed by the commoners – will do that.

Berniece Van Der Berg

The Co-Founder of the Moonlight Meadery in Londonderry – join the Email Train! Part 2

When we last left off, Berniece Van Der Berg was some upset “…If you persist in your hateful rhetoric and criminal threatening, I shall have no recourse but to follow legal action. Consider yourselves duly notified.”

Jan Schmidt Bernie Bus

So I just emailed the NH House Criminal Justice and Public Safety committee on NH State Rep Jan Schmidt’s doxxing a private citizen

UPDATE II – the bill has been sent to Interim Study by a vote of 14-6.  I’m betting that we had, at least, some influence on that vote.  I’m REALLY willing to bet that NH State Rep Jan Schmidt and Deb Steven’s collective utterances about others had much more to do with it. Instead of … Read more

Joyce Craig beauty mark

Really, Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig? YOU posted your “beauty mark” video, I merely comment on it, and I’M sexist?

…blaming someone else for their own mistake and willingness to NOT OWN UP TO IT. This really is hilarious – and I bet that the Mayor Craig campaign decided to make the bet that no one actually WATCHED either video (or WMUR running it).  Well, leave it to them to try to fund raise off … Read more

So, Government Official Debra Altschiller is attempting to censor a Normal citizen?

Streisand Effect.  Again.  Kimberly and I are reporting on the efforts of Democrats to shut down a political speech page called Musings of Alderman Jan Schmidt. A page that lists and quotes Schmidt’s own words and actions. Period. Jan is both a Nashua Alderman and NH State Rep.

NH Dem Party Chair seeking to silence a Conservative on FB – silences himself (in shame?)

You know, it really doesn’t get much better than this when you’re a blogger. It’s almost too easy when the Other Side keeps on saying, figuratively, “Thank you sir, may I have another” (although I’m cringing as a write this because this is about Ray Buckley. Again).

Liz McConnell

Brentwood NH – Do you know how your two NH State Reps voted this week? GraniteGrok does!

You know, because  Liz McConnell asked for the Streisand Effect by trying to censor the Brentwood Newsletter, we’re just obliging her by continuing to share her voting record with her constituents.  So this is what she did this week – and contrast that with your Republican State Rep, Josh Yokula.  You have to ask yourself … Read more

Georgia Clark

Teacher Asks Trump To Remove Illegals From Her School – Board Votes Unanimously To fire Her

A Fort Worth Texas School teacher tweeted the President. “Anything you can do to remove the illegals from Fort Worth would be greatly appreciated.” And, “Texas will not protect whistleblowers. The Mexicans refuse to honour our flag.” Her School Board voted 8-0 to fire her.

Nashua edu blocks GraniteGrok

‘Grok RSA 91:A Demand: Nashua School District Superintendent Jahmal Mosley? Ball’s back in your court

And with his non-answer answer, our RSA 91:A demands are acting like rabbits. And now, other people are starting to report in on “strange” behavior while using the Nashua School District (“NSD”) network.  In effect, Dr. Mosley and the Nashua Board of Education have decided to invoke the Streisand Effect upon themselves.  So folks, go … Read more

NH State Rep Liz McConnell – thou doth protest too much

Congratulations – you have brought both us and the Streisand Effect upon yourself (and we’ll start looking into Eric Turer as well).  Yes, we may well end up “raising your profile” but doubtful in the way you think you might want. So, let’s circle back on your latest votes, shall we?  And JUST because you … Read more


Quick Thought: Karen Hewes

From the Union Leader Op-Ed on what we call “Dems hating on Rich Girard” was this gem: Meanwhile, the student and her parents have a lawyer, who apparently missed the law school class on free speech and the First Amendment. If Girard doesn’t “immediately stop discussing’’ the student editor on public TV or at any … Read more

Miami-Dade County – with the heart of the IRS and the efficiency of the DMV

That is a lot of government in a nutshell – not with their words but with their actions, they see their employers (that would be all of us) as a bothersome lot that keep ignoring them and their rules.  And in this case, I will break my usual self-censorship and say DAMNED rules.  Behold the … Read more

Censorship Effort in New Hampshire

“Cop corrects liberal snitch who reported her political opponents (Concord, NH)” GrokWatch News Desk | Submitted by Dave Ridley What is probably one of New Hampshire’s top five most popular YouTube vids (above) faces attempted suppression. My million-hit clip shows a pro-Medicare-expansion activist on a public Concord sidewalk, reporting her political opponents to police because they … Read more

And now, Al Letizio wants to go offline….no luck with that one.

Yes, I got off track with other things – seems to be an easy thing lately (getting distracted).  So, we get near the end of this sorry trail with Al Letizio – the guy who wasn’t happy with Grokster Kimberly’s posts and wanted me to yank them.  And yet, even with his protestations of malfeasance … Read more

Al Letizio – decides he can continue his brand of intimidation

Oh, before I forget – I have YET to hear back from either one of these chuckleheads who obviously didn’t understand that one just doesn’t go after bloggers simply because you believe your (un)lofty position of having won a political race makes you BMOC everywhere.  Unlike newspapers who buy ink by the barrel (and have to buy more when … Read more

Who is Al Letizio? Sillier, dumber, and less smart than Dennis Senibaldi – for starters

Ah yes, that So, last post I decided to relay to you, readers, of the intent by politician (re: from the Latin “poly” meaning many and “tics” meaning blood sucking parasites only out for their own good) Dennis Senibaldi  to intimidate me to pull down the GraniteGrok posts that Grokster Kimberly had put up about … Read more