Survival Sunday

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

republicans electing democrats

To Dems ‘Democracy’ Does Not Mean What They Want You to Think It Means

When Democrats prattle on about “defending” or “protecting” Democracy, the pat response from the right is ‘we live in a Republic.’ That’s a fact, but it is not compelling if you have to explain, and if you do, odds are you’ve lost them. So, what might carry more weight?

Gavel law books courts

Motion for Expedited Hearing to Determine the Safety, Efficacy, and Constitutionality of NH Voting Equipment, and Voting Statutes

Now Come the Plaintiff, Daniel Richard, in the above-numbered and entitled action, pursuant to a Bonafide emergency, and moves the Court for this Motion for an Expedited hearing to Determine the Safety, Efficacy and Constitutionality of New Hampshire Voting Machines.

Gavel law books courts

Plantiff’s (Dan Richard) Objection to the Defendants Motion to Dismiss

I, Daniel Richard, pro se, have filed a complaint against Defendants CHRISTOPHER T. SUNUNU, DAVID SCANLAN, JOHN FORMELLA, SHERMAN PACKARD, CHUCK MORSE, KEITH N. LECLAIR, and DANIEL A. GOONAN, collectively I refer to as “Defendants” for trespassing on the Rights of the Plaintiff by exercising powers not delegated to them by the New Hampshire Constitution, … Read more

Tax to stop COVID19

It Looks Like States Are Changing Reporting to “Hide” Out of Season COVID Spikes (Among the Vaccinated)

Nothing about COVID reporting has ever been honest. Money and headlines have driven the details from testing to cases to hospitalizations to deaths. It’s been about marketing the vaccine, but they’ve flipped the script.

Kyle Mullins The Dartmouth

Dartmouth’s Newspaper Editor Gets “Educated” by James O’Keefe

James O’Keefe is the founder and director of Project Veritas (PV), a corruption-watchdog organization now famous for targeting many Big Tech and Big Pharma companies as well as the political Left’s favored organizations such as ACORN, Planned Parenthood, Teacher Unions, and CNN.

Accuvote OS ballot counter votng machine

HB-491 (Regarding AccuVote Machines) Should Get Another Look Before the House Kills It Next Week.

On March 8th, the Election Law committee voted 11-9 to ITL HB-491. HB-491 should get another look before the House kills it next week. This bill would require that the AccuVote machines be programmed to return the ballot to the voter if it reads an overvote (voting for more candidates than will be elected).


Antrim County Michigan Forensics Election Report is Not a “Smoking Gun”… It’s a NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!

Antrim County Michigan had massive fraud like many other places in each of the swing states. The difference with Antrim County is that a judge allowed an independent forensic audit team to go in and audit the voting machines. What they found is explosive.

Accuvote OS ballot counter votng machine

NH’s Voting Machines Are Capable of Redistributing Votes

New Hampshire’s voting machines known as the AccuVote OS are owned by Dominion Voting Systems. Dominion is a foreign corporation domiciled in Canada which partners with software systems capable of flipping votes.

BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Powell’s KRAKEN Released In Georgia AND Michigan!

Attorney Sidney Powell filed the highly anticipated complaint of massive election fraud in Georgia late yesterday.  The 104 page complaint cites the use of software and hardware from Dominion Voting Systems, Sequoia Voting Systems and Smartmatic, whose technologies are widely used in American elections – and in all of the battleground states where complaints of … Read more

Biden Didn’t ‘Win’ – Team Trump Says it has Incontrovertible Evidence

The election recount/challenge begins today. Trump’s legal team says it has a mountain of evidence proving fraud and tampering. Whether that is enough to make any difference remains unclear, but the fight is on, and the show is not over.

Big tech control and your freedom

Big Tech Control and Your Freedom

Big tech control and your freedom is something you should pay attention to. What big tech is doing to conservatives might well be something described by Martin Niemöller.

Hey, Democrats, let’s see you explain this away….

VOTER FRAUD? Twice As Many Ballots Cast As There Are Voters In Georgia Precinct Twice as many ballots as the number of registered voters were cast in a northeastern Georgia precinct during the state’s primary elections in May. According to official numbers from the Georgia Secretary of State, 670 votes were cast in Habersham County’s Mud … Read more

Why Don’t We Obsess Over “Inhabitant” – The Story Of NH Voter Fraud

The Governor of the State of New Hampshire, through the Executive Council, has sent a letter to the NH State Supreme Court in an attempt to clarify the definition of RESIDENT vs. DOMICILE when it comes to voting. It is a shame we are still falling for the resident/domicile scam that NH uses to let … Read more

Voting – 11/6/2012 Results compendium

Fox News calls it: President Obama has been re-elected Romney does not have a mathematical road to victory My unexpected guests have left, the ‘Grok dogs have had some attention paid to them, hopefully the laptop problems have gone to sleep.  Long nite ahead, so time to see what polls are doing.  Pretty much will … Read more

What I have been hearing about Voter Fraud

The Democrats tell us voter fraud doesn’t exist…except when they lose an election.  Early voting for the 2012 election has begun and reports are already flowing in about voter fraud.  It’s amazing that all reports to date are giving votes to Democrats, in particular President Obama. Below are some voter fraud techniques: Voter Machine tampering.  Voting … Read more