Gilford School Board: when a Transgender policy has violations but no penalties? Use an RSA 91:A Demand

The entire policy is here. Yes, this is going to be a thing for a while – yet another attempt of mandating another left leaning policy in which we Normals are supposed to tolerate, accept, affirm, and believe in what is a mental disorder (last I knew, sexual dysphoria is still in the book as … Read more

surprise unexepced water splash woman

Can the Gilford School Board (SAU73) get any more tone deaf over their new Transgender policy?

So, one of the complaints that was issued by a parent at the last School Board Meeting was that this new transgender policy was just SPRUNG on parents; noticed during the last week of August when many could have been out of town and little time to get the word out.

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Gilford School Board – Public Comment session(s) testimonies – Part 3

And the last of the video clips from the latest Gilford School Board: Part 7: Part 8: Part 9: During this whole meeting I kept thinking one thing: Does the School Board even know that Gilford sports coaches have approached me on this topic?  Do they know that the Normal public sees this as being … Read more

Turn in your guns the government will take care of you

Response to Congressman Pappas and Robert Miller’s anti-gun screed

Here we go again. Another round of people displaying their ignorance about firearms while promoting restrictions on them. Robert Miller believes that mass shootings are uniquely American. Please research Norway, Australia, Kenya (2013 & 2015), and France. And, if you’ll allow arson as a valid form of mass murder, check out Kyoto and our own … Read more

Gilford School Board – Public Comment session(s) testimonies – Part 2

There is a reason why we are starting to roll out MicroGroks. The Gilford Steamer (the weekly that covers Gilford) is ignoring the transgender policy, rammed through by the School Board BEFORE the authorizing legislation (SB263) has taken force.

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Gilford School Board – Public Comment session(s) testimonies

So a thought – if grown men (and yes, some senior boys are, indeed, grown men of legal age) can go into the girls bathroom, how does the public law on indecent exposure now work?  The Gilford School Board is now saying that it no longer applies to its bathrooms and locker rooms. What are … Read more

Girl woman topless

Three Laconia Women Want to Take “Topless Campaign” to the Highest Court in the Land

The ongoing saga of three women who want to go topless in New Hampshire continues. The ladies are challenging a Laconia town ordinance that prohibits the practice. Having failed to find relief at any court in the Granite State, they’d like SCOTUS to hear them out.

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Lakes Region TEA Party – Debate: legalization of cannabis/marijuana

The Lakes Region TEA Party will meet August 21, 2019 at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library. We will have expert advocates and opponents of legalizing marijuana for recreational use in New Hampshire (HB 481).

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Trump Manchester Rally Pic

Manchester Trump Rally – the “Empty Seat” conspiracy theory. Bunk!

UPDATED and BUMPED: Seems to be standard fare – Trump makes a claim, his critics say he’s wrong, then he’s proved right.  You’d think the critics would learn that he’s playing them but Stupidity reigns supreme!  Check this out:  Sorry Elton John, your record’s not still standing: Fire marshal says Donald Trump’s boast that he … Read more

Trump time at SNHU Screen Grab

Manchester Trump Rally: President Trump Speech – Parts 4 & 5

And we get to the middle of the Manchester based SNHU Arena address by President Trump. And if you were wondering where in the speech it was, President Trump, as he was acknowledging all of the Republican political dignitaries to his left in the ramp area, near the end of Part 5 is where he … Read more

Trump time at SNHU Screen Grab

Manchester Trump Rally: President Trump Speech – Parts 2 & 3

Continuing on with President Trump’s speech at the SNHU Arena to a massive crowd that had been waiting for hours for him to come out to talk to them, here is the next set of video clips: Part 2: Part 3:


Manchester Trump Rally – Odds and Ends

UPDATED and BUMPED: the dispute is still in process but now *I* can play the video but only on YouTube.  Here’s from the “plain URL” (“”) and not the usual embed codes I use – Readers, please let me know if you can watch it as well. *************************** Groksters Kimberly and Steve have already put … Read more

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