
Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution

Clarence Thomas is our era’s most consequential jurist, as radical as he is brave. During his almost three decades on the bench, he has been laying out a blueprint for remaking Supreme Court jurisprudence. His template is the Constitution as the Framers wrote it during that hot summer in Philadelphia 232 years ago, when they … Read more

Actors as Moral & Political Arbiters?

An actor is a person who portrays a character in a performance. The actor’s interpretation of their role—the art of acting—pertains to the role played, whether based on a real person or fictional character. In other words, a “good actor” is a person who is good at pretending to be, and holding themselves out as, … Read more

Bootcamp! – Americans for Prosperity Foundation NH

Interested in becoming a more effective advocate for freedom? Join AFP Foundation NH for a weekend bootcamp training and learn how to advance these ideas and grow the community of liberty minded activists!

Will Laconia, New Hampshire Become A Sanctuary City?

One of the two candidates running for Mayor of the City of Laconia in an election in only a few weeks reportedly waffled when asked whether he supported illegal aliens in Laconia. But waffling on the issue means a lack of courage to articulate clearly one’s beliefs for prospective voters.  If you are not clearly … Read more

Radical Islamic Anti-Semitism Already in America!!

If you ever thought that radical Islam would not be coming to America, think again. The public library in Highland Park, New Jersey, a recipient of federal tax funding, has scheduled a book reading of P Is for Palestine, an alphabet book written for young children by Golbarg Bashi, a professor of Middle East Studies. … Read more

Learn More About Chartered Public Schools in NH

On Thursday, November 7, 2019 School Choice for NH will host a presentation entitled “Best Practices in Chartered Public Schools,” a discussion with NH DOE Commissioner Frank Edelblut and author Dr. Cara Stillings Candal, at the Nackey Loeb School in Manchester, NH This will be a great opportunity to Join School Choice for NH and … Read more

Tournaments for the “Fallen 7” MicroInterviews – Part2: NH Governor Chris Sununu

The Guv also showed up this past Saturday – as all politicians are wont to do, he made the rounds, had pictures taken with him, and then met up with NH State Rep Harry Bean (Gilford/Meredith) for a quick tutorial on arm wresting.  Harry is a multi-year World Champion and your’s truly would NEVER step … Read more

Tournaments for the “Fallen 7” MicroInterviews – Part 1: NH State Rep Harry Bean and VFW Laconia Chaplain, Hillary Seeger

Late putting this up but my time hasn’t been under my control for almost a month now, so apologies!  This past Saturday, NH State Rep Harry Bean organized four of the local social clubs to fundraise some monies for the Fallen 7 + 1; those members of the Jarhead Motorcycle Club that were killed plus the one survivor.

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Help Starting a Charter School

If the thought of being able to send your child or children to a public charter school appeals to you, but you have no idea of where to begin, may I suggest that the founding group of parents (yes- we need at least 10 parents to make this work) try to establish a working relationship … Read more

The Lakes Region Charter School Project

Are you satisfied with the public schools in the Lakes Region? Are you satisfied with the way our public schools are being run into the ground by our elected school board members, members of the staff at the SAUs, and the teacher unions? Are you satisfied with Political Correctness run amok in our public schools … Read more

Gilford School District

What to do: Gilford School Board Stonewalls a Right-to-Know Demand

Just because you’ve thrown 28 pages at someone and called them “responsive” doesn’t mean you have answered an RSA 91-A demand. Which is what GSD Superintendent Kirk Beitler did.

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Transgender Puberty-Blocking Drug has Killed Over 6300 Kids so Far

Left-wingers make excuses and glorify cultural pressure to embrace gender dysphoria and transgenderism. But the most common drug used to block puberty to advance it chemically has already killed thousands of children.

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a statement of need, a definition of the problem, and who they are solving it for

Laconia Does Not Need an Intrusive Regulatory System for Short Term Rentals

Let’s be clear. The Laconia City council does not need to impose a regulatory system for short term rentals. Not any more than it needs to impose an income tax or to control interstate commerce.

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Judeo-Christian Values vs. Islamic Terrorism and Jihad

In 2006, an award-winning 56-minute video documentary entitled “The Making of a Martyr”, was released. It is a film made by Canadian directors Brooke Goldstein and Alistair Leyland.

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NH senate_chamber

VETO Day in the NH Legislature – NH Senate’s turn


(14) Vetoes Sustained: SB10, SB1, SB2, SB18, SB20, SB67, SB68, SB72, SB196, SB205, SB218, SB271, SB275, SB307

(3) Vetoes Overridden: SB74, SB88, SB100, SB148

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VETO Day in the NH Legislature – GraniteGrok is virtually there. Here?


Vetoes Sustained (22):  HB105, HB106, HB109, HB183, HB198, HB211, HB292, HB293, HB326, HB349, HB365, HB409, HB446, HB504, HB514, HB564, HB582, HB587, HB611, HB645, HB664, HB706
Vetoes Overridden (1): HB364

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Your Tax Money Supporting Censorship in Exeter, Henniker, and Keene

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Transparency about the workings of an organization prevents corruption. Speaking of corruption, inasmuch as the portion of your property tax bill going to the public schools is the single largest portion of that bill, did you ever wonder what they are doing with all your money? While their mission is … Read more

A discussion at dinner about Belknap County (Government)?

Several nights ago, I was having dinner with a Gilford friend at Johnson’s Seafood & Steak in New Durham. The food was excellent, as always, and the conversation ultimately turned to Belknap County government, which produced indigestion for both of us. My friend wanted to know exactly what essential governmental functions are performed by Belknap … Read more


Whither the FBI?

When I was a kid, the FBI was considered the best law enforcement agency in the World. Not just in our country–in the World!

We were treated to movies and TV shows about the FBI’s battles against criminals and communists. It would have been hard to think of another organization with as stellar a reputation.

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The Pipedream of Senate Leadership by a Freshman Senator

A week or so ago at a rainy day gathering in Salem, New Hampshire, it was quite instructive to listen to the speeches of two declared candidates for the Republican nomination for US Senate, seeking to unseat Senator Jeanne Shaheen; as well as a non-speech by a then-undeclared candidate for the same office (who has … Read more

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