Words Mean Something


Words mean something. When that meaning is lost, either due to malfeasance and obfuscation or simply to time and disuse, a failure to communicate results and this failure of understanding can, if properly managed, be weaponized against an enemy. This is the nature of information warfare.

We want to thank Rep. Michael Belcher for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.
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Words have meanings that must remain reasonably static over time for any social cohesion to remain within society. The breakdown of communication that results from dramatic swings in meaning is an initiator of conflict. When people can’t speak, they fight. We should hope we can return to speaking in order to avoid a fight down the road.

The word, or more properly prefix, “trans” means to change, transfer or cross. The word “gender,” though often described as associating a broader range of attributes than sex alone (as in a thick concept), was meant from its earliest academic uses to begin obfuscating the concept of sex and the human binary of male: female. So, the combination of these words means to signal that one has “crossed” or “transferred” from one “gender” (sex) to the other – but this is a literal impossibility.

Why, then, is that the word they decided to use for this? Simple: alchemy. To quote George Soros from The Alchemy of Finance, “Scientific method seeks to understand things as they are, while alchemy seeks to bring about a desired state of affairs. To put it another way, the primary objective of science is truth – that of alchemy, operational success.”

The left are masters of language manipulation and information warfare, and the word “transgender” is an excellent example of that. While describing a literal impossibility, we are forced to recognize and repeat it, and in so doing, our internal defenses against disinformation are bypassed.

Before there was “transgender,” there was only gender dysphoria: a mental health condition and bodily identity disorder. In this old language, we properly understood this to be a phenomenon of the mind, and as such, we treated the mind for it with often reasonable success. Note we did not, under the rubric of gender dysphoria, cut healthy pieces off of people, nor did we preemptively terminate puberty or chemically castrate children. These things make no sense if the disorder is of the mind. They only make sense under the alchemical spell of “transgender.”

So, what do we do to fight back with an eye towards ultimately protecting these vulnerable people – often children these days – from permanently destroying themselves through do-maximal-harm medicine? Simple, we retake the language. We attempt to refrain from using the term “transgender” instead of using the correct “gender dysphoria.”

This stuff doesn’t have to be hard. The biggest trick that Soros doesn’t want you to know is that all it takes to step outside the wizard’s spell is the backbone to say no, and speak the truth.

That is what I will continue to do even as Democrats libel and attempt to “cancel” me.




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