Don’t Focus On “Energy Independence” but Rather on “Independence in Energy.” - Granite Grok

Don’t Focus On “Energy Independence” but Rather on “Independence in Energy.”

Light bulb filament original Photo by Alessandro Bianchi on Unsplash

The hypothesis of man-made climate change is bad science, if not outright fraud. However, let’s forget that for a moment and focus on the proposed solution: The Green New Deal.

Simply, the green new deal is the “all-natural,” “raw,” “organic,” “locally sourced” variant of centralized planning.

It has other euphemistic epithets like “Energy Independence.”

A helpful indicator of where it is all going is to look at how we are getting there…total destruction of our economy, and starvation.

One problem of centralized planning is that it is akin to you attempting to control all of your autonomic and cellular functions with your conscious mind. How long will you live if you need to consciously direct your digestion?

We want to thank Tejasinha Sivalingam for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

Another problem with centralized planning is, it does not allow for the natural redundancy and resilience that arises from decentralized planning. This makes the system prone to failure upon interference.

Lastly, it is anything but sustainable; Joseph Stalin proved this pretty well with his 5-year plans. The administrators at the top never really understand the conditions on the ground, and so they make unrealistic projections and demands.

Here is the solution: We don’t focus on “energy independence” per se but rather on “independence in energy.” We give it to the States and have them draft their own energy plans. This will create State competition, diversify our energy portfolio, and make us more adaptive and resilient.

Some States will run towards wind and solar, others might move more towards hydrogen or Medium energy Plasma Reactors, others still will stick with proven coal and natural gas, etc. This will allow States to try on their new pair of energy jackboots without kicking us!
