ANTIFA Protesters Block Street so Austin PD Sends in the Cavalry - Yes, Horses! - Granite Grok

ANTIFA Protesters Block Street so Austin PD Sends in the Cavalry – Yes, Horses!

APD uses mounted police to move protesters

Austin is about as liberal a city as you get east of San Francisco (I read that somewhere) so this is all that much more amusing. A crowd of ANTIFA jerks is blocking a city street. They won’t move. So, what does the Austin Police Department do? They move them with several thousand pounds of horseflesh.

Related: Rep. Wacky-Wendy Thomas Waiting to be “Summoned” to Defend ANTIFA

Not something you see every day. But even Antifa pukes appear unwilling to irritate the horses. Having your head caved in by a hoof after you hurt one of these fine animals is going to be entirely on you.
