As promised in the last Memestream News: Monday Edition, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over. And yes there will be a Friday edition too.
Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
Steve’s passed some feedback to me – as is his right – that this new formatting is not quite as popular as before. So I’ve tried to move more memes up to “front load” it. Please let me know if this works for you. I try to not “just” have memes but also other information / commentary that is useful – but I understand that the memes are the primary attraction.
“You’re just a black face!” | Larry Elder OBLITERATES Rude Woman!
Dems hate it when their vote-slaves cast off their chains.
I just rediscovered my JEXIT T-shirt. I thought my anti-political wife had File-13ed it.
I’m certainly no historian, but as I understand it, such megalomaniacs telegraph their intentions. Churchill knew who, and more importantly what, Hitler was because he’d read the book and had the moral courage to take Hitler at his word. Schwab and others have openly talked about their plans, including depopulation. But nobody wants to believe them.
39% still approve of Biden? What’s he got to do to lose them? Take millions in bribes from foreign countries, be a pedo, go senile, bring us to the bring or WWIII??? Oh, wait…
Criminal offenses. CRIMINAL offenses.
From Telegram (image below):
Yesterday the UK State passed one of the most liberty crushing pieces of legislation in history under the Energy Bill. This is completely unreported by MSM and edgy UK “media” Talk TV etc. Under the Bill – the State will be able to FORCE people to get smart meters by end 2025 and will put smart meters into all major electric appliances (see grab), which can then be controlled externally. The have also opened the door to creating a offense with up to 1 year in prison for not complying with their energy performance certification regime.
Coming soon globally, I am sure. A year in prison for not complying with the green diktats. They’re making it illegal to rent the place unless it’s upgraded, at your expense. Or illegal to sell unless it’s upgraded, at your expense. And don’t doubt that soon they’ll make it illegal for you to occupy your own home… unless it’s upgraded, at your expense. More on this:
Net Zero Police Allowed ‘FORCE ENTRY’ Into Homes
Anyone remember this ad? Not so satirical now.
Audi Green Police A3 TDI Ad (Super Bowl XLIV 2010)
In rewatching this, and the scene where the guy at the sink has the police helicopter on him because he trashed something compostable, think of the panopticon world that is. So do not doubt me on this, but the more they tighten the screws, the more virtuous they will believe themselves to be. Paging CS Lewis’ prescient warning:
Granted that those at the tippy-top understand the real plan, for the most part the “useful idiots” just think they’re doing good:
Slip-Sliding Towards Hell with a Good Conscience – Granite Grok
Or just following orders:
Socialists getting them indoctrinated young. I recall seeing that thought before… whether the international or national variation.
G-d bless ’em. Every one.
Say, what’s “cricket” in Russian?
An Open Letter to Neil Oliver and Glenn Beck – Granite Grok
And it’s up:
You’re The Voice – Episode 7: MEP Christine Anderson (
I’m listening now. Fascinating. And one thing that I never thought of with a cashless society – the inability of banks to be exposed to bank runs.
From Telegram:
In the UK, posters appeared advertising childlessness for the sake of “saving the environment” “Green” activists propose not to give birth to children, calling them “climate killers”. The propaganda of eco-friendly childlessness has acquired unprecedented proportions – posters are pasted on the streets with calls to “stop giving birth”. “Conscious childlessness is environmentally friendly,” promote green inadequacies turned on ecology.
There used to be a “Zero Population Growth” society – and in full disclosure I was a member for a year or so waaaaaaay back. Now there’s a full-on Voluntary Human Extinction movement. And it’s all presented as this great and wonderful thing.
I wish I could have more kids. But there’s the wife’s age plus triple-Jabbed status. And, of course, there’s the fact that I’m no “spring chicken” either.
Specifically on Covid / medical – because it’s that important to highlight:
Sad excess deaths
Also see this article showing that there is a statistical strong correlation between the Jabs and Covid cases:
How do we Reach the Brainwashed? – OffGuardian (
This discusses using art to get around cognitive barriers.
This is generic; placed here about the Scamdemic but applies to so many things. And most people don’t want to because to see – really see – would call into question their status as morally, intellectually, and educationally superior.
I still think the idea of a maskless flashmob is a good one, if masks are required in stores. Organize 10-20 people and all just breeze in at once and start shopping. Fill up carts as fast as possible, because if they do call the police, all those products will have to be reshelved. And while that’s hard on the floor workers, that’s a heck of a lot of wasted labor.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
On masks:
Study finds wearing masks for 30 minutes exposes to toxic chemicals (
What did I write about in Depopulation Speculations? IgG4 antibodies.
I need some of these to hand out.
Jordan Peterson Instantly OWNS Woke Professor On Gender Pronouns
Pick of the post:
😱SHOCKING😱 TRUMP Destroyed The Interviewer
Can you imagine any other candidate doing this? Any. Other. Candidate?
Collected links with commentary, loosely organized:
An important question: Does Liberty Safes – irrespective of this particular thing – have ONE master code?
And done on 9-11 too. On Iran:
Iran Can Produce 10 Nuclear Bombs in 4 Months, Watchdog Says (
I know some people have forgotten, but Iran’s practiced launching missiles from ships and blowing them up at 90-100 miles… and calling those launches successes. Also remember that in Shia Islam their version of the Messiah, the Twelfth Imam, cannot return until there’s been a global conflagration. Thus, to a believing Shiite, WWIII is a feature not a bug.
EMP: A Terrorist’s Dream
Thread by @Doc_0 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
Remember, they really do think YOUR children are THEIR children, just housed & fed by you.
Biden Admin FINALLY Shows All Their Cards: They’re Coming For Your Guns – Prepared Gun Owners
They want them all. Don’t ever believe assurances otherwise.
Invidious Comparisons Dept. – Liberty’s Torch (
The push towards digital currency proceeds apace.
From the same site:
Sovereign Immunity – Liberty’s Torch (
Why Now? – Liberty’s Torch (
A fighter.
Judy Wood on the Twin Towers turning to dust – Jerm Warfare
I am still skeptical. But a lot less skeptical than I was ten years ago.
Palate cleansers:
Powerball is up to