Does this mean that Zandra Rice-Hawkins is gonna call me a misogynist again (and again and again)? - Part 2 - Granite Grok

Does this mean that Zandra Rice-Hawkins is gonna call me a misogynist again (and again and again)? – Part 2

Yes, the Executive Director of out-of-state-financed Granite State Progress and Concord City Councilor (what a scary thought from a Liberty standpoint of those two positions co-joined at the ankles) Zandra Rice-Hawkins has oft not been enthralled with GraniteGrok.  This won’t help as it is strictly politically incorrect – I can see the steam coming out of her ears right now.

More female political incorrectness

Good. As loyal readers know, I’ve had it up to HERE with Cultural Marxism that has taken away even the smallest of jokes. Or what used to be considered jokes back in the day. Gawd help you if you use “incorrect language” when one of the Speech Police is around.

Such a way to make oneself feel morally superior…so I dissent from being forced into coerced speech.

(H/T: Powerline)
