The Cushing Sex Act

Steve MacDonald

Some things should not be forgotten, like Democrat Robert ‘Renny’ Cushing’s Legislative Service Request (LSR) 2015-H-0005-R.

The Cushing Sex Act: requiring colleges and universities to adopt policies regarding sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking as a condition for receiving state funds.

I guess NH campuses are like Indian reservations – not subject to NH or Federal laws on such mattress?  That aside, you’d think that Islands peopled with intellectual experts stewing in cultural Marxism, would have covered all of these bases already?

Renny Cushing thinks not!, and like a good Democrat he knows government can “fix it.”

The Cushing Sex Act would revoke access to state funds for universities that do not comply with its demands, and according to Renny himself, might also threaten a universities non-profit status (making them taxable by the state).

End state funding of universities, yes. And I have no objection to taxing them like any other business (although I’d prefer we taxed businesses less) but predicating these changes based on failure to comply with the dictates of NH  Democrat legislative campus bedroom inquisitors is a bit Medieval.

NO-body expects the Cushing Inquisition!

But there they are, Democrats advocating state-prying into the “bedrooms” of college co-eds (or any “bedroom” a college co-ed might be in) whom this edict suggests are nothing more than helpless little snowflakes drifting through the predatory campus air.

The Gospel according to Cushing will demand that those subject to the edict submit a plan for compliance with the gospel to the state, complete with metrics to be measured (no doubt)–and met (or not) at the discretion of  some perverse cadre of bureaucrats from the Cushing Inquisition.

NH DES seem suited to this task.  Dating Education and Sex.

Will there be a provision for individual contrition from the collectivist gods, a Cushing confessional,where students might reveal details in exchange for dispensations so that the state might then direct the wrath of their inquisitor with all do haste?

Forgive me legislator for I have been politically incorrect.  It has been two election cycles since I last stole a vote for the Democrat party from Martha Fuller Clarke’s ‘house.’  I recently referred to a member of the community by their apparent gender.  I took President Obama’s name in vain.  And yesterday I found myself staring down the blouse of a girl in The Masters and Johnson Memorial library.   She was bent over a desk reading for a part in a mash-up on-campus musical adaption of the Vagina Monologues and Oh! Calcutta!  I felt a stirring in “the force,” if you know what I mean.

Actually, if Cushing’s LSR even survives to become a Bill, it has no chance of passing this session as proposed.  That does not mean Democrats wont try to use a vote against it to attack Republicans given the opportunity.  So I think this might be a good time for an in-committee re-write.

Any New Hampshire college or university that does not allow law abiding students to carry concealed firearms on campus loses its public funding.

This change will not only have a dramatic positive net effect on the so-called campus rape culture it will also (if advertised) take every compliant campus from the gun-free-zone list, thereby removing the lunatic -attractant that causes unhinged, left-leaning psychopaths from using our little snowflakes as pin-cushions, punching bags, or target practice because the Left has disarmed everyone for miles.


2015-H-0005-R title: requiring colleges and universities to adopt policies regarding sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking as a condition for receiving state funds.
Sponsors: (Prime)Robert Cushing


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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