The NH AG’s office has ruled that Governor Maggie Hassan broke the law when she accepted a $25,000.00 dollar bribe campaign contribution from the local electrical workers union, and must return $24,000.00 dollars of that bribe contribution.
Gov. Maggie Hassan must return $24,000 of a contribution from a labor union’s political committee to her re-election campaign, Attorney General Joe Foster ruled today.
Foster made his ruling in response to a complaint from the New Hampshire Republican Party, which alleged the $25,000 contribution from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers political committee violated state campaign finance laws.
For those paying attention on June 20th, 2012, the day she filed to run for governor, everyone cried foul when the Plumbers and Pipe Fitter Union gave Hassan a…$25,000.00 dollar bribe campaign contribution as well.
Maggie Hassan is a repeat offender.