NH Towns Need To Revolt Against Maggie Hassan’s Executive Overreach

Steve MacDonald

If you thnk lrtting proplr from out of state Vote in NH if OK youre Gonna have a bad timeHow do the towns feel about the AG of the state of New Hampshire telling them that anybody who shows up at their polling place can vote for their candidates, or their ballot measures, even their budgets?


Your taxes, your teachers, your public safety, your town selectman and counselors, the representatives you send to the state house.  They are no longer yours to choose.  Any election can be tipped by a mathematical calculation and infusion of non-resident voters who just happen to be ‘staying’ in your town when election day rolls around.

Hassan and AG Foster have given them a voting right you do not have.

Any one of these out of state “temps” can vote absentee in their own home towns, but you can’t do that.  You can’t vote in their town, or their state–other states have rules to protect sovereignty and local control.  Not New Hampshire.

We can’t change the outcome of their elections but they can change ours.

What’s worse, is that this ruling allows them to vote absentee in our elections from any address in New Hampshire, and plenty that don’t even exist, without ever even having been here.  Democrats did it in 2012.  We’ve documented it on GraniteGrok.  They will certainty do it again, because the NH AG just gave them permission to continue claiming domicile without even bothering to show up.

Last week I pointed out that if anyone can show up from anywhere and change our elections, the state of New Hampshire is no longer sovereign, and not even a state.    This applies to the towns as well.

The lines that define your municipality no longer have any meaning when it comes to elections, budgets, anything.  Anyone can cross them, vote as if they live there, and walk away, leaving someone–the actual residents–to pay the price, literally in most cases.  And the state has said that if you try to stop them, you are breaking the law.

I’d call that executive branch overreach.

Maggie Hassan’s bureaucrats have decided that your towns actual residents no longer have the right to decide anything.   “Resident” and “domicile” no longer limit who in your town can decide who sits on your school board, what warrant articles pass and fail, or how much you will pay for your various town budgets.

Why aren’t the towns rebelling?

Someone needs to challenge this ruling because while the Democrats have been pushing us to this for over a decade, anyone with the will and the skill could organize a perfectly legal conquest of any board, town, or county body elected by whatever lot shows up on election day.

You can’t stop it.

Now, we can wait for another election to get hijacked, for out of staters to fill up our voter registration lists for years on end, or you can start calling the AG and the governor and asking them why they gave your town away to whomever shows, from anywhere in the country, up on election day?




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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