One of the State Senate primary races we are following is between JP Marzullo and Jerry Little. JP is the Republican Candidate in the race. Jerry is a guy the NHGOP found who has some money, a history of supporting Democrats, with support from people who have a history of supporting Democrats, but who is willing to run as a Republican.
As the campaign has progressed we’ve started hearing things. Little is reported to be spreading some interesting rumors about his opponent, so we though it was time to air at least two of them out in public.
1. JP has NO experience in Concord.
JP was the vice chair of the Republican party, so I’d argue that he has ‘some’ experience in Concord. As a legislator? Not so much. But this is an interesting claim to make when Mr. Little has no experience as a legislator himself. Jerry knows how to be like, a lobbyist for bankers. He also knows a lot about Turkeys and goats. He knows how to be part of the liberal media. He also knows how to donate his money to radical Democrat left-wingers like Sylvia Larsen and Jackie Cilley, two of the many Democrats that know Jerry’s money. Here’s a list with a few more Democrats Jerry ‘Knows.’
2. JP will be too busy with Liberty Harbor Academy to do the job.
JP is associated with liberty Harbor Academy where you can get a classic liberal education. Jerry isn’t associated with anything like that.
Republican primary voters should also know that JP’s commitment takes one evening a month. One. Evening. (Jerry Little spent more evenings writing checks to NH State Senate Democrat candidates than JP will spend in several years of “one evenings a month” at Liberty Harbor.)
Jerry has a much larger commitment to his turkeys, goats, and laying hens because if he only tended to them one night a month, they’d all die.
An association with Liberty Harbor actually burnishes your Republican credentials. Donating to NH Senate Democrats does not.
On the whole, Jerry comes out worse for wear on these than JP, but let’s not stop there.
How about a few more things you might want to know about Jerry Little, that he is not going to tell you if he comes knocking on your door in State Senate District 8?
When asked his stance on Right to Work, he didn’t have one.
“I can’t answer that yet. I don’t know a lot about it. I think if someone doesn’t want to join a union,they shouldn’t have to, but I need to research it.
The Republican platform is actually pretty clear on Right to Work. Maybe Democrat donor Jerry Little should have researched that before running for office as a Republican?
Little did spend time in the State House, lobbying for big bankers. Maybe that is why most of his campaign donors are Bankers, Trustees, and so on.
According to Senate District 8 Republican candidate Jerry Little’s FEC filings the majority of his support appears to be from his fellow bankers outside of the Senate district.
One of Jerry Little’s supporters is that wing nut Bill Greiner who was also a co-chair of Republicans for Democrat Lee Nyquist.
The Lee Nyquist campaign announced the co-chairs of the Republicans for Nyquist group, representing dozens of registered Republicans in the district and around the state. The co-chairs are David Bailey, former Bedford police chief; Jayne Spaulding, former Bedford state representative who topped the ticket in 2006 and 2008; Bill Greiner, Bedford business leader and philanthropist; Willard Dodge, life-time New Boston community leader and volunteer; and Roger Noonan, owner of Middle Branch farm in New Boston.
Nothing says “quality (r)epublican State Senate candidate” like a guy (Jerry Little) with an extensive history of donating to the campaigns of New Hampshire State Senate Democrats, and is supported by another so-called (r)epublican who supports the left-wing Democrat for the State Senate in his own district.
Voters in Senate District 8 would not be wrong to think that Little is a left-leaning centrist insider looking to give back to the lobbyist, lawyer, and banker buddies that comprise the majority of his “experience” in New Hampshire politics.