If you search “Maggie Hassan” and “25,000” you will discover that the NHGOP has asked the NH AG’s office to determine if a $25,000.00 dollar campaign contribution to the governor from the local IBEW violates New Hampshire Campaign finance laws.
I think we should get an answer on that, and not because I think it should be illegal. I just think the AG’s office should make a determination, and if the people or their legislature wants to burn off any fog then they should act within their delegated powers to do just that.. And no, I’m not looking for another faux campaign finance law like SB 120 that gives candidates and monied insiders a monopoly on paid speech near an election.
All that aside, there is a much larger problem that Governor Hassan and her Democrat party advocates need to address. NH IBEW 2320 wants the guaranteed work if the program gets approves, and would stand to profit handsomely from it.
Did the IBEW just buy Hassan’s support for Norther pass (or at least the softening of her message) with a check for $25,000.00 dollars? Voters should be questioning the optics and the ethics of any change in tone after that kind of pay-day.
Note: I’m not taking a position on Northern Pass, I’m questioning if the Governor is massaging hers. Also, you have to wonder about the timing between the 25K story and this email I received about the IBEW president stepping down–which has not been confirmed, by the way.