“D” is for Drive – er, but not to the local Pawn shop

by Skip

My response to Pat Wood’s Letter in the Laconia Daily Sun today (P 9):

To the Editor,

Mr. Wood in his Letter (10/28, p9) rightly points out that the voters took the keys away from the Republicans in 2006 for behaving like Democrats and increased the size of Government and its spending (contrary to Republican philosophy) and gave them to actual Democrats. Properly taken to woodshed and chastised by the distributed uprising of people supporting and sympathizing with the ideals of TEA Party / back to Constitutionally limited government movement, Republicans seem to be "getting it" (those not, have been "primaried out").

However, the "D" Pat defines is Drive to national bankruptcy (to the tune of almost $3 Trillion in annual deficits in two years) – not exactly a promising "progressing forward", is it? President Obama has said that he won’t give the keys back, that Republicans must "ride in the back" even when they retake the majority in Washington. 

Moral to the Progressive Democrats: taking the keys away was the right thing at the time;  Obama thinking it was alright to walk them over to the Pawn shop  is not. 

To the editor,

Every single Republican candidate is running on a platform of no new taxes and reducing the taxes we already have. Well, that is a laudable goal and their history when they have been in control of the government would support that position — with a very large exception.

Republicans do not want to tax you or themselves NOW. But their huge defi cit spending while in control of the White House and Congress means that they have put off the payment of taxes to our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren, and our great-great grandchildren.

On a state level, their neglect of the basic infrastructure of our state has left us all with a huge burden just to keep the existing systems from collapsing.

Republicans tout their business sense; however, every successful business must take care of its foundation. The recent Republican record of governance on both a federal and state level has been more like a demolition derby – run things into the ground for now and let our kids take care of fixing things!

Let’s not put the Republicans back in the driver’s seat. Let us not go backwards; we need to keep moving forward.

When you vote, remember that R is for Reverse; D is for drive.

Patrick H. Wood


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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