…at least you know what it tastes like."
This is essentially the message behind "Crazy Uncle Charlie" Bass’ upcoming political ad, to be aired the week before the September 14th primary.
According to John DiStasio of the Union Leader, Charlie’s ad focuses on "the change we need" and "someone we know." (sounds like Obama with a spoon full of sugar)
Yeah we know Charlie, but he sure ‘aint the change we need.
We all know about Charlie’s US Congressional voting record (here, here, here), but I was curious what his positions were during his 6 years as a NH State Representative (1983-1988), and his 4 years as a NH State Senator (1989-1992)
** YES, that’s 10 years of political office BEFORE he became a 12-year US Congressman (hint, for those of us who went to public school, 10+12 = 22 years). It may be serendipity that Charlie’s purported ad is in black & white, since he’s been in politics since "way back in the olden days." I’ll bet it’s an attempt to make Charlie look more hip.
Let’s take a look, shall we?…
Here’s a little I learned about Charlie, from his NH House and Senate voting record. Some of it won’t surprise those of us who know his voting patterns. And, yes, Gov. Sununu, I know this blog entry may give the Democrats ammunition in the general election; but we’re all just hoping he doesn’t get that far.
(see below for a quick summary, if all this just nauseates you)
While in the NH House:
- 1983/HB222 : Requiring NH Motorcyclists to wear helmets –> YEA
- 1983/HB281: Increase the Tax on Beer –> YEA (one of many tax hikes he approved of)
- 1985/CACR003: Increase NH Legislator Pay to $30 per day, up to maximum of $1350 per Legislator –> YEA
- 1985/CACR009: All Lottery proceeds to be used for Educational purposes only –> NAY
- 1985/HB773: Financial Disclosures for Public Officials –> NAY
- 1985/SB214: Preventing Abortions for certain minors across State-lines without Parental consent –> YEA (to Lay-on-table vote, essentially killing it)
- 1985/HB298: Increase Business Profits Taxes –> YEA (and we thought only Democrats did this)
- 1986/HB512: Increase Meals tax –> YEA (and we thought only Democrats did this)
- 1986/CACR010: Increase NH Legislator Pay to $30 per day, up to maximum of $1350 per Legislator –> YEA (again, see 1985)
- 1986/HB21: Prohibiting Homosexual Adoption and Foster Parenting –> NAY
- 1986/SB125: Prohibiting 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions –> YEA (to lay on table) NAY (to pass)
- 1987/HCR2: Appeal to US Congress to protect the lives of the unborn –> NO VOTE (seems Charlie only voted 64% this year…and 69% in 1985…ooops!)
- 1987/SB25: Establishing Human Life at Conception –> NO VOTE (bad year for Charlie’s voting average)
- 1987/CACR009: Allowing Court Officers to wear guns in the Court Room –> NAY (sound familiar?)
- 1987/SB214: Preventing Abortions for certain minors, without Parental Consent –> YEA (for a lay-on-the-table vote, to kill it)
While in the NH Senate:
- 1989/SB136: Preventing Abortions for certain minors, without Parental Consent –> NAY (in support – at least he’s consistently liberal)
- 1989/SB377: Relative to a statement of policy on Pregnancy, and repealing Criminal penalties for performing abortions (Sponsored by Mr. Bass) –> YEA
- 1991/HB40-FN/HB146: Increasing the Legacy and Succession Tax from 15% to 18%; increasing the Communications Services tax 100% –> YEA (pass along to third reading, eventually adopted)
- 1991/SB34: Requiring parental notification before abortions may be performed on unemancipated minors (Sponsored by Sen. Gordon Humphrey) –> NAY
- 1991/SB103: Relative to parental choice in education, granting school districts the option of electing to use education vouchers for both public and private schools (K-12), as long as not for religious education (Sponsored by Sen. Gordon Humphrey) –> NAY
- 1991/HCR11: Support of RU-486, abortion pill (argued against Sen. Gordon Humphrey, voted along with Sen. Jeanne Shaheen) –> YEA
- 1992/SB365: Prohibiting abortions based on sex selection –> NAY (for third reading)
- 1992/SB046: Providing for informed consent relative to abortions –> NAY
- 1992/SB459: Limiting increases in electric rates –> NAY (his early Cap-and-Trade days)
- 1992/SB456: Requiring parental notification before abortions may be performed on unemancipated minors (again, see 1991) –> YEA (lay-on-table vote, killing the bill)
- 1992/CACR030: Relating to the election of Federal and State Representatives – providing that the term of office for members of US Congress from NH, and for the members of the NH House and Senate, shall be limited to 12 years and 10 years respectively (Term-Limits for US Congress = 6/House, 2/Senate; for NH Legislature 5 both houses) –> YEA (Charlie supported Term-Limits – one of many instances – does he support them now, and did he in 2006, when he went against his promise to self-limit?)
- 1992/SB309: Prohibiting the distribution of condoms to persons 21 years or younger, on State Property or in Schools –> NAY (remove-from-table vote, to keep bill inactive)
- 1992/HB1407: Repealing laws relative to Abortion –> YEA
So, in summary, what are the low-lights of Charlie’s NH Legislative career?
- Charlie supported a number of tax increases on the people of NH (meals, business profits, beer, communications, etc.), hardly ever fighting for cuts. Just like the Democrats we have today!
- Was against limiting electric rates.
- Was for paying NH Legislators much more money, going against the long-standing tradition of low-paid, citizen legislators.
- Was against school-vouchers (battling Sen. Gordon Humphrey).
- Didn’t want Court Officials to carry guns in the court room.
- Was against using Lottery proceeds for education only.
- Was (and still is) a STRONG advocate for abortions, including late-term, and performed on minors without the consent of their parents. He also supported the RU-486 abortion pill.
- Favored distributing condoms to children.
- He was for term-limits, but eventually went hypocritical, saying "NH’s 2nd District would be at a disadvantage" if he didn’t run for a 7th term.
- Was for forcing people to wear Motorcycle helmets, a prized NH liberty, and a statement of individual accountability, in a world full of statists.
- Charlie and Senator Gordon Humphrey seemed to disagree quite a bit.
Charlie would make a FINE Massachusetts Congressman. Don’t you agree?
Don’t let Charlie win this nomination – he will only lose in dismal defeat to Liberals Kuster or Swett. In fact, I’m not sure there’s much of a difference between Charlie and Katrina.
Tell everyone you know. Now.
Support Jennifer Horn on September 14th.