Could history repeat itself? You betcha’….



…but there’s still time for you to prevent it.

In 1994, Charlie Bass won the 2nd District Congressional Republican Primary.  How did he win it?  Was he the "clear choice", or the "change we need now (needed then)?"

No.  He took the nomination in a Conservative Split, and history could repeat itself, tomorrow.

Getting only 29% of the primary vote (in a field of 10-candidates), Charlie took the nomination because two of the other leading candidates, Michael Hammond and Ward Scott, were conservatives.  According to this Concord Monitor article, Hammond stated that, "he doesn’t believe Bass would have been elected in the first place if [he] and Ward Scott hadn’t split the conservative vote."

A word to Bob Giuda supporters; does this sound sickeningly familiar?  It should.

If John DiStaso’s Union Leader predictions are correct, tomorrow, Charlie Bass will receive 45% of the vote, Jennifer Horn will receive 33%, and Bob Giuda will receive 19%, which would be more than enough to keep Jennifer from catching, and overtaking, Charlie.

Without Bob Giuda, Charlie bass loses, Jennifer Horn wins.  Voila, conservative split.  Welcome to the general election, Mr. Bass.  Welcome to eternal pariah status, Mr. Giuda.

If you are a Bob Giuda supporter, I commend you for your spirit and tenacity, sticking to your candidate.  I also chide you for your lack of pragmatic reality.  It has been clear, from day-one, that RINO-Charlie has had the lead, due to both name recognition and PAC donations, that Jennifer is tracking close to Charlie, and that Bob Giuda trails them both; the only question was by how much.

Principle is a wonderful thing.  The survival of our nation is another.

These are just the predictions of a political columnist, and there are other factors that could help forge a different outcome; the weather could affect the number of independents who get out voting, and independents could decide, en-masse, to swing to Jennifer.  The one situation that is unlikely to occur, however, is Bob Giuda getting this nomination.

It is still not too late to step back, and think long and hard about who you want to watch giving their victory speech tomorrow night.  Or, who you want to see standing on the Capitol steps, taking their oath of office, then entering the House Chamber, representing NH’s District 2, in January.

The conservative awakening that we are experiencing is awe-inspiring.  It would be an awful shame to waste it on Charlie Bass’ liberal, big-Government track record.  Back to the future.



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