NH CD2 Congressional Debates, hosted by the Nashua Republican City Committee, at Nashua City Hall, August 12, 2010.
Wesley Sonner Charlie Bass
Bob Giuda Jennifer Horn
Link to previous entry for this Debate.
Question #1: Do you support President Obama’s "Race to the Top" common-core education program?
Pay close attention to Charlie Bass’ answer, where he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. In 2001, Charlie cast a supporting vote for HR1, (and here), aka "No Child Left Behind". This unconstitutional, unfunded law is no better than Obama’s "Race to the Top", yet Charlie excoriates it here, insisting, for us primary watchers, that "elementary and secondary education is best controlled at the local level."
So, Charlie, if this is true, why exactly did you vote in support of HR1? I’ll tell you why – you thought it was the right thing to do, but you were wrong. Or maybe you just followed Sununu’s orders, and went with the party-line. How is it that you’ve had this Constitutional epiphany all of a sudden?
How is it that you supported a bill that Ted Kennedy, John Edwards, Jim Jeffords, Tom Harkin, Susan Collins, Hillary Clinton, and Chris Dodd all supported?
He actually had the nerve to sit up in this debate, and try to neutralize his complicty in this law (which many States rebelled against and refused to enforce), while he pontificates that "local control is best". What a RINO, double-talking fraud.