Bob Giuda in CD-2


GraniteGrok has officially endorsed Jennifer Horn in the GOP primary for Congresssional District 2 (over there on the…um, left side of the state on the map). I got outvoted on that one. My personal conviction is that my friend Bob Giuda would make a better, tougher, more outspoken, more energetic, and entirely more in-their-face U.S. Representative for NH.

Please don’t misunderstand me: I’ll energetically support either Bob or Jennifer if either one of them wins the primary. My real fear is that they’ll split the conservative vote, letting perennial RINO ("Republican In Name Only") Charlie Bass waltz in and win the seat.

Mr. Bass is yesterday’s Republican Party, at a time when a New GOP is emerging nationwide. The New GOP has excellent new ideas for reform that will help rescue America from its Democrat-caused problems, and it has an activist dynamism that yesterday’s GOP did not. In the New GOP we will fight every single socialist position of the Democratic Party. The New GOP is no longer the me-too party. The New GOP will no longer be the go-along, get-along party in Washington, DC.

In my mind, Bob Giuda best reflects the aggressive dynamism of the New GOP.

Now don’t get me wrong: I will enthusiastically support either Bob Giuda or Jennifer Horn if one of them wins the CD-2 GOP primary. But if the conservative primary vote is split, and Charlie Bass wins…it will be a sad day for the NH GOP. Why? Read on….

Here’s Bass’s voting record, courtesy of Kevin McHugh of the New Hampshire Republican Volunteer Coalition (NHRVC). Former Representative Bass….

1) Voted "NO" on requiring photo ID to vote in Federal elections. 

2) Voted to allow minors to be transported across state lines for abortions without the knowledge or consent of their parents. 

3) Voted to continue the moratorium on offshore oil drilling.

4) Voted to prohibit oil drilling in ANWAR.

5) Voted "YES" on starting the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol.

6) Voted "YES" on McCain/Feingold "Campaign Finance Reform". 

7) Supports having the government redefine the word "marriage" (supports gay marriage).

8) Voted for massive budget deficits as a Congressman.

9) Ran on a platform of supporting term limits, but broke his promise after being elected.

10) Supported "CAP & TRADE" (i.e. higher prices on gas for your car, and more expensive heating bills for your home), and was a Sponsor of H.R. 1873 (a bill that was very similar to CAP & TRADE).

11) Is a current Board member of Laidlaw Biopower LLC, which may pose a conflict of interest for a Congressman with a long record of opposing the development of America’s fossil fuels.

12) Is a current Board member and former CEO of the "Republican Main Street Partnership", a self-described "moderate" caucus of Republicans who believe the Federal government should play an active role in the lives of all Americans. It’s members include Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc) 

13) Voted NO on H.R. 4772: (opposed the right to appeal zoning laws to federal courts, which would have given private property owners more protection under the 5th amendment).

14) Was one of only 20 Republicans who voted NO on H.R. 4975 (opposed lobbyist transparency).

15. Voted YES on S. 2320, (using taxpayer money that was intended to be set aside for deficit reduction, and handing it out to pay the heating bills of people who pay little or no taxes).

So. What is a New Republican to do? I say vote for Bob Giuda in the CD-2 GOP congressional primary in September.

But if this situation happens in the future—where the conservative primary vote is on the verge of splitting and letting a RINO take office—I’m going to advocate the flip-a-coin solution: Both conservative candidates will be invited to a coin-toss. Whether they agree to attend or not, that coin will be flipped, and whoever wins should get ALL the conservative votes in the primary. Too late to do that now in CD-2. Very unfortunate.


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