Yesterday, I was at the Rochester, NH home of Warren Groen (NH House of Representatives and running for re-election) for a house event for Ovide Lamontagne who is running to be Republican nominee for US Senate where there was a good assemblage of folk..
One of the staples of the campaign trail for any candidate is doing house events – talking to small groups of people and getting the message out. This is quintessential NH retail politics; some there for a first meeting and a few there for the Nth time in their attempt to get the real measure of the candidate. Candidates truly hope for success – while a single mis-speak won’t necessarily toast a campaign, word of mouth can make or break an entire campaign if the overall impression is less than spectacular (or less than "ok, he or she is acceptable" – a backhanded compliment here in NH)
This clip is the endorsement given by former NH State Senator George Lovejoy – Chairman of the NH Advantage Coalition and a highly respected activist and a force in NH conservative politics.
Sidebar: BLIP.TV will host longer video, but was having "issues" last night and having a hissy fit this morning – Ovide’s actual talk and the Q & A session that came afterwards will be posted once its Prilosec and Prozac doses kick in.
And no, no micro-interview this time from the event, as Ovide had to scoot quick to get to another event.