Breaking News: Forbes endorses Lamontagne for US Senate


In a statement released today by the Ovide for Senate 2010 campaign Steve Forbes has formally endorsed Ovide Lamontagne for the US Senate.


Taken from the Press Release:

"I am proud to lend my name as a strong supporter of Ovide Lamontagne and his campaign for U.S. 
Senate.  Having considered the candidates for Senate in New Hampshire, it is clear that Ovide is the 
strongest conservative, and the one choice who we can rely on as a truly independent voice in 
Washington.  Ovide is a proven conservative leader of principle and conviction, and we can count on him 
as a friend to taxpayers everywhere; someone who will fight against wasteful spending and the rampant 
growth of the federal government.  The election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts proves that 
independent minded conservatives can succeed against the entrenched establishment in 2010.  We 
need to elect leaders like Ovide to the Senate, and I look forward to doing my part to help him achieve 
that goal," said Forbes. 
Lamontagne added that “Steve Forbes is one of America’s pre?eminent economic conservatives; 
someone who has been a leader in the fight to cut taxes, reform the tax code and reduce the size and 
scope of the federal government.  As someone who has campaigned as an outsider himself, Steve 
understands what it takes to run against the establishment.  I am proud to add his voice today to our call 
to reform a broken Washington and make the federal government work for the people once more.”  

Add Steve Forbes to a growing number of key endorsements from the likes of Laura Ingraham,and Dan Quayle, and it is clear to see that Ovide is building a coalition of strong conservative supporters. Ovide’s conservative "street cred." has always been very high, but to back it up with some names like these never hurts. 

For more on Ovide Lamontagne visit


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