Do as I say, not as I do, Part 2 – Carol Shea-Porter’s motto

by StanfordDude

In the 2008 campaign, Carol Shea Porter repeatedly blasted Jeb Bradley on all sorts of odd issues. Last week I wrote a short piece on the how she repeatedly made a big point of complaining about Jeb Bradley’s timing on returning campaign contributions from a colleague who was being investigated for ethical problems.
But, as it turns out, Carol Shea Porter has failed to live up to her own words when it comes to campaign contributions she received from Charlie Rangel. To date she has not returned one cent of the $14,000 she received from him, even though he is under investigation for a wide range of blatant ethics violations.
As it turns out, there are even more instances of Congresswoman Shea Porter conveniently ignoring her own advice. One of the other things she repeatedly complained about was the House was not in session five days a week. But as it turns out, there have been many weeks during which the Pelosi House of Representatives has only been in session three days a week. In fact, a closer examination of the record shows that of the forty-one weeks in which the Congress has been in session this year there were:
2 weeks in which they worked only 2 days / week
10 weeks in which they worked only 3 days / week
14 weeks in which they worked only 4 days / week
5 weeks in which they worked only 5 days / week. Indeed, the first 5 day week was not until June 8-12.
AND, there were 10 weeks in which they worked 0 days – that’s right, zero days / week.
Oddly, we have heard no righteous, moral indignation from Carol Shea Porter. It’s funny how that works when your party is in power.
But, there is a word for such behavior!



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