Laconia Prison, dormant as an issue for years, back in play…


Laconia Prison

This is a note we got with a request we post it here on the ‘Grok. What was a HOT issue years back, and dormant since, is back in the news. The property the Laconia State Prison is located on is truly a unique piece that includes fields and even some waterfront. This debate is one which must be had. While we don’t necessarily agree with every point, we are, as always, happy to engage…

The Laconia Prison is long overdue for closure and Governor Lynch is doing what no other governor has had the guts to do.  Laconia should be thankful and ignore comments by DOC Spokesman Jeff Lyons, who is only interested in promoting a larger DOC.  Mr. Lyons, go to Berlin and stop commenting from your Ivory tower!

What should be done is get the college in there.  Have a Biotech incubator.  Develop a world-class sports center and have the National Tennis Association, co build, with private investors a world class tennis center where eventually Laconia could resurrect the Volvo tennis tournaments or given the state of the car industry today, find another corporate sponsor to bring Tennis to Laconia as a major tournament.  Tennis attracts a good crowed that likes to spend money in the area.

The Laconia prison was the worst use for this area and now we have a chance to have the best outcome.

Thomas Smith
Laconia Resident


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