Once again GraniteGrok got its two-cents worth in on the debate on Arnia Arnesen’s TV talker program, Political Chowder. This time, I joined the panel and discussed the aftermath for NH Republicans following another election drubbing. As usual, Arnie was gracious and I appreciate the opportunity. Also on the panel was DJ Bettencourt, Vice Chair of the Young Republicans, Fran Wendelboe, Chair of the Reagan Network and Ken Weyler, House Republican Asst. Leader, 10 terms.
The discussion was rather interesting, and provided a good look at the contrasting figures that are involved in Republican politics, from devout "party first" players and elected officials to "conservative activism first, party second" persons like me.
Naturally, I pulled for activism and leadership at the local level IN BETWEEN elections on the part of candidates that expect to run for higher office. Be a leader that gets things done and provides a voice for good, sound ideas and the people will WANT to vote for you when given the opportunity. I also noted that while the Democrats have accepted and harnessed the energy of certain activist networks (for example, the gays), the Republicans have done the opposite and kept them at arms length. There are many taxpayers groups throughout the state that should be natural allies in the major Republican themes of less taxes, less regulation, and smaller government. I mentioned Joe the Plumber as a great example of what we as Republicans should seek to do: Engage ordinary citizens in the debate of the great issues of the day.
Another point I’m glad I remembered to make is the need to keep an eye on the local schools, which are nothing more, it seems lately, than incubators of future liberals. We cannot cede this important area without putting up a fight (I mentioned the anti-American International Baccalaureate Programme as one example). Re-instituting partisan local elctions would help, too.
I reminded Arnie and my fellow Republicans that we have a great platform that doesn’t need to be changed, it just needs to be followed. Lastly, I pointed out that the Republicans should seek to emulate the Dems on their widespread acceptance and use of the latest technology and communications tools– something Skip and I have been advocating here in these parts only to be met for the most part with indifference, at best.
Keep an eye out this week for the program on your local NH cable access channel, or simply click here to watch the Google video. All in all, I thought I did pretty good despite several microphone malfunctions…