He's trying SO hard too.....I feel sorry for him..... - Granite Grok

He’s trying SO hard too…..I feel sorry for him…..

Well, I dipped my toe into the real Liberal waters over at Blue Hampshire where I just burst out laughing when I read this observation by Dean Barker (head honcho over at BH) of Governor Sarah Palin coming to NH for a campaign visit:

Let’s be real for a moment, and repeat what even some serious conservatives are saying about the Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin is dangerously unqualified to be Vice President, and, in equal measure, she is dangerously ambitious. 

Now, who might these "serious conservatives" be?  Don’t tell me pro scribbler Brooks, or Sen. Chuck Hagel, or a bunch of other Republicans that probably are not Conservative. Please elaborate, Dean?

And let’s hear the reason why, after his limited time in office, Obama is more qualified?

Frighteningly devoid of self-reflection and an embarrassment to the seriousness with which New Hampshire takes its role in picking presidents, she is the living embodiment of John McCain’s reckless, B-list Rovian campaign. And in her recent flirtation with inciting violence through knuckle-dragging level smears against Obama, she shows that she can take a campaign that has reached rock bottom, and drill, baby, drill for more.

Note to Dean – we here in NH don’t get to pick the Veep choice, nor do we vet them except for the Nov. 2.  And the Dem talking point argument to trying to paint an ordinary person, a common person, as totally unqualified is laughable.

After all, there are more than a few people at BH and in the NH Dem party that were all for that UFO believing dude from Cleveland – Dennis Kucinich.  Now, you really want to discuss the definition of  "embarrassment"? And let’s see, shall we throw in Gravel – looking at water for a long time made for such a stimulating advert?

No, I don’t believe that the operative phrase is not "devoid of self-reflection" – rather, it is "not narcisstic enough" to believe the world is ready for not one but TWO written memoirs by the tender age of early 40’s.  Before really accomplishing anything.  That smacks of a severely and overly developed sense of  "me orientation" that seems to be a mainstay of so many politicians.  Which, refreshingly enough, she does not exhibit.

Besides, as we keep trying to point out – she’s not running for President – but your equally unqualified guy (if you really want to keep this them going) is. Go ahead, do the point by point heads up matchup of Palin to Obama for actual results in real life!

Reckless?  Look – it’s politics – one makes decisions based on that calculus.  And on the issue of picking a running mate that could excite the respective base….I think Sarah comes out way ahead of Biden (you know, your gaffe-a-matic machine?).

Smear, my dear opponent?  Kinda looking like those "smears" are more and more based in truth.  One may have opinions about facts, but facts are facts.

When Barack Obama decisively wins the New Hampshire’s four electoral votes, Sarah Palin will be a big reason why.  I have heard anecdotal story after anecdotal story of traditional Granite State Republicans who are stunned and repulsed by her, and by McCain’s choice of her. 

Ah!  And they would be?  Yet, I see crowds of Republicans that are flocking to her events in numbers that rival Obama’s – and your explanation is?  Perhaps the "elites" country clug Republicans may be, but I’ll tell you right now, most "ordinary schlub" style conservatives like me are happy beyond the belief that she’s there in the #2 slot.

Note to Dean from a real conservative – conservatives are not all that enamored with the #1 slot.  Vote, yes.  Support, yes.  Excited – some.  Sarah?  There’s excitment on this side just as Obama is on your side (after all, how’s your #2 slot doing in the crowd department compared to the Gov?).

You know, it IS amusing reading this; after all, if you take it point by point, and substitute Obama’s name for her, he’d come out worse.  Yet, so often they won’t do that head to head comparison…

…and I don’t blame him.  For if Gov. Palin is unqualified to be Vice President, Obama is just that much more unqualified to be President.  Any argument thrown against Sarah sticks against Barack.

Maybe it’s time to have Dean on MTNP again….in studio….and do this right…..
