Pelosi loses yet another battle - one she should have won - Granite Grok

Pelosi loses yet another battle – one she should have won

The $700 Billion bill has failed.  Bickering and partisanship.

Throw in bad math too – being a numbers kind of guy, it certainly seems that this person…

Speaker Pelosi

…just can’t count straight.  From The Campaign Spot (emphasis and reformatting mine):

Pelosi’s Excuses Are Garbage

Pelosi, moments ago: "The Democrats more than lived up to their side of the bargain."

Horsepuckey. Pelosi has 235 members. She needed 218. She could spare 17 members and still pass the bill. The GOP spotted her 65 members, for a bill that made most Republicans’ skin crawl in both broad outline and in terms of detail. That meant Pelosi could afford to lose 82 Democrats.

She lost 95.


Think about it – the majority party is insisting that the minority party is responsible for the bill not passing with a majority. Do you see the incongruency there? Why is anyone taking that argument seriously?

Pelosi once again is proving that she is not Speaker material.  I am a very partisan Republican, but on how many times has she lost WITH DEMS HAVING A MAJORITY IN THE HOUSE?  She did not need a single Republican to pass this vote IF she had been able to properly manage her own Party. 

She did not.  She did not.  She cannot.

I’m guessing that there will be a new Speaker for the next term….especially if the Dems lose seats because of this snafu.

I’m ok with that!  Hmmm, or should we be doing an Operation Chaos to keep the Dems bollixed up?
