Given the chatter I’m hearing on the Internet, it’s likely that before long, we’ll have a pretty good idea of who Senator McCain will pick for Vice-President. Given the fact that there are many women out there that feel slighted over the passing-over of Hillary Clinton as both nominee and running mate, I think that McCain ought to seriously consider a suitable woman as his VP. Given his appeal to some Independents, the right choice on this could help garner enough support to ultimately prevail in November. One of the more intriguing suggestions floating around is the current governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. I’m ready for such a move on McCain’s part. I’m ready to have the right woman in such a position of importance. Are you?
Oh, and whoever’s managing the McCain media machine is doing a great job at seeing to it that the Dems aren’t hogging the entire news spectrum– in fact, it seems that the Arizona Republican is as much in the news as what’s his name… you know– "the One". The Obamessiah.