Bosse to Propose Specific Spending Cuts Every Day Until Election
We have made no bones about the fact we like 2nd CD GOP candidate Grant Bosse’s positions on many of the relavant issues of our times, and we also like his use of the latest campaign tools– namely technology and the Blogosphere– in bringing his message to the people. He sets a nice example of how to run a campaign in an efficient and lean manner— which we expect he’d bring to Washington should he be fortunate enough to win that seat.
There appears to be quite a dust-up going on between candidates Jennifer Horn and Grant Bosse regarding the use of campaign funds as dictated by the rules, and whether or not pointing out such transgressions is within the bounds of fair play.’s Brian Lawson has been all over the story since its inception.
We’ll have Grant join us on our radio program Saturday morning to give us the latest on that. More importantly, most of the discussion will be about his "50 Days, Fifty Ways to Cut Spending" plan to propose a new way to cut federal spending every day for the final 50 days of the primary campaign. Beginning last Monday, Grant began to outline 50 cuts to federal spending that will reduce the burden on taxpayers and help pay down the national debt.
“Lots of candidates talk about cutting spending, but can’t back it up,” Bosse said. “The voters of New Hampshire deserve to know how Congress is wasting their money, and how their candidates will stop it.”
We think that constantly seeking ways to SAVE money and STREAMLINE government is ALWAYS among the top jobs at hand when a conservative Republican attains elective office. I guess we’re just weird in that we want to hear what government ISN’T going to do for us, instead of what it’s gonna give us…
It starts at 9AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or listen live on the ‘Net here… As always, phone calls will be accepted at 603 527 1490.