This is a good video that captures the essence of the many questionable facts of Barack Obama’s life. While some might say that the material contained isn’t relevant, I would disagree. The points made are all important in the context of the President of the United States– the most powerful man in the world. A good deal of what’s in here has been pooh-poohed as meaningless, or much ado about nothing, that we should focus on the facts. The movie does a nice job of connecting "the facts" that provide important background into the makeup of the man before us (and the world) today…
I truly live in fear of what will befall us should this guy become President. I also tremble at the thought that so many otherwise good Americans can get so caught up in such hysteria over a mere man. What do they think he’s really going to do for THEM, at the end of it all? (That won’t end up ruining the country for my children and theirs) America is created upon foundational principles that, once destroyed by socialism, might never again be attainable. I believe we’re at that critical point where we might throw it all away for the promise of empty, meaningless platitudes that mask the real truth lurking beneath the facade… Will Jeremiah Wright get his wish, after all?
[H/T Steve L]