Democratic Summer of Discontent?



Grab another box of popcorn… this is gonna get good!

First, there’s this mess:

The spokesman for Hillary Clinton, the always icky Harold Ickes lays down the gauntlet to fellow Democrats regarding the "rules":

Is Ickes promising to go along and get along? No way. Will the fight continue? To use Ickes own words, "You betch yer ass it will!" As he says, they’re prepared to go "all the way to the credentials committee." And I say


Er, sorry, my excitement got the better of me for a moment there. Wink Anyway, continuing with the post, there’s this woman– a Clinton delegate or supporter apparently. It appears she’s not thrilled with the events within the Democratic primary as they continue to unfold. As you watch the video, ask yourself if she’s ready to join in unity with her fellow Democrats and move on to the general campaign under the Obama banner…


Don’t you just love it feel for the poor woman? Never before can I recall (although I’m only 43, so my worldview is limited by age) a primary loser’s supporters so openly bitter and contempt-filled towards the winner– especially given that the victor hails from within the same party sporting nearly identical positions and beliefs. But, then again, we are talking Democrats here, so we know there’s a built-in level of immaturity and selfishness that will always be in play.

This mess alone clearly demonstrates the Democrats aren’t as pure on race and gender issues as they would have us believe. It also shows that the Clintons and their supporters might be more troublesome for Team Obama than even the Republicans.

No matter what, it won’t be as easy a ride to the White House for Democrats in ’08 as the conventional wisdom still held as little as two or three months back. Why doesn’t Hillary just do as other politicians might have done in times past and, for the good of the party, simply call it quits and fall in behind the chosen standardbearer? Is it because she’s a Clinton, and, well, they’re simply not like the others, or, is there something else? Is there some piece of news waiting out there that might take Obama out in the eleventh hour, requiring Hillary to swoop in and save the day?

And then there’s this mess:

What if, as has been rumored for several weeks now, there is video lurking out there that clearly shows a would-be First Lady making a speech in which she refers to "whitey"? Then what? Supposedly, we’ll know by Monday morning. Could it be that, after surviving his racist white grandmother, his racist church and pastor, his terrorist buddy and his endorsement by our nation’s enemies, Barack Obama will be taken out by none other than his own racist wife? He might get away with disowning everybody else, but can he distance himself from the woman he married? I think not…

Michelle Obama

Man, I just can’t stop saying this:

You go, girl!




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