Free Speech - even if YOU think it is offensive - Granite Grok

Free Speech – even if YOU think it is offensive

Blogswarm time for Free Speech

No, not the ersatz type that Canada has that ensnared Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn (for saying or writing negative views of Muslims or Muslim demographics – you know, the kind that is Free until someone doesn’t like what you say.  Free?  Not when there’s a penalty).  We’re talking about standing up for something that is so precious that our Western way of life would disappear like a wisp of smoke without it.

Yup, the Islamofascists are at it again.  Remember the riots, and the deaths of Muslims, when the Jyllands-Posten newspaper printed the "Mo-toons" (cartoons depicting Mohammed)?

Mohammad Turban bomb cartoon

This was judged to be amongst the most blasphemous – an insult to Islam by depicting Mohammed (which many Muslims believe is dead wrong). Many in the Muslim world wanted the offender, a cartoonist, killed for this slight to their religion (ahem, did anyone die when the statue of Jesus was submerged in a beaker of human liquid waste – pad for by the NEA)?  Wouldn’t you say that was of a graver nature that the above?

Of course so…but these hair trigger fascists don’t.  And they have long memories – so two years later, Danish intelligence found out about a plot to kill him arrested 5 for plotting to kill Kurt Westergaard, the cartoonist.

From over at Michelle Malkin:

Two years ago, the Mohammed cartoon conflagration consumed the world and the blogosphere helped lead the way in fighting back. Longtime readers will remember that this site hammered the issue in support of Denmark. “Sammenhold,” you may recall, is the Danish word for solidarity. With the arrests this week of five jihadists accused of plotting to murder one of the Danish cartoonists, it’s time to demonstrate sammenhold again.

And LOTS of other blogs are rising up and standing on principle.  The ‘Grok is proud, in our little way, to support the reaction against politically correct speech.  After all, if Palestinian TV childrens‘ show can advocate bad things to Jews, what’s a little cartoon?

Remember this, someday, when what you say is offensive to someone else.

